Constant Disconnecting After Game Freezing, Making it Unplayable For Me.


New member
What do I mean by freezing? Every character stops, but the server continues to run. Audio effects play, voice lines echo through the game, and I can even write messages. But I cannot move anything, or upgrade abilities.

View attachment Deadlock 2024-10-07 01-30-01.mp4
I've been having this repeated issue where my client freezes like this, while still playing audio from attacks (even new attacks that start after the animations all freeze), kills, and even chat as you can see in the screen capture. This clip is from my bot match#20852554, after countless occurrences of this for the last few days.

Here are the possible outcomes:

This will last a few seconds and unfreeze sometimes, usually leaving me having taken a decent amount of damage if I was in the wrong place.

Other times, the game is stuck like this for a few moments before sending me back to the title screen with the message "Disconnected". By the time I Rejoin Match, I am usually dead.

Finally, there are times like this where I cannot unfreeze the game, and it only disconnects me at match end. The only solution I found is to close the game and re-open it. This is also going to lead to my death 9/10 times.

Regardless of which outcome happens, it has been making the game pretty unplayable for me lately. Are there any fixes that I should attempt?