Constant crashing today between north blue walker and base guardians


New member

I just got to play today and I am experiencing constant crashes. From what I've noticed, it happens whenever fight is occuring in a very specific place on the map - between blue walker and base guardians for a north map. I think it is more than just a simple crash, because it affects other applications in the background as well.

EDIT: From the dump I assume it is trying to write outside of the memory block allocated, or just starts leaking the memory really badly? It didn't have any memory issues before.

System Memory:
Memory load: 77%
Total physical memory: 16332.42 MiB
Free physical memory: 3616.82 MiB
Total page file: 65484.42 MiB
Free page file: 5.85 MiB

ConVars (non-default):

                                               var                            value                          default
                                    tv_transmitall                             true                            false
                             voice_device_override               #OS_Default_Device                               
                                spec_replay_enable                                1                                0
                                          hostname                            Midas                               
                                              name                            Midas                          unnamed
                                              rate                           196608                           786432
                                   cl_cq_min_queue                                1                                0
                               sv_pvs_max_distance                             4000                                0
                                            volume                         0.356745                                1
                                   snd_musicvolume                         0.797304                                1
                             sound_device_override          Source2SDLDefaultDevice                               
                panorama_console_position_and_size       20.00|20.00|1000.00|800.00                               
                                       think_limit                                0                               10
                         sv_parallel_checktransmit                                2                                0
                            sv_matchmaking_enabled                             true                            false
                               citadel_hero_roster                    10,11,1,31,19                               
                     citadel_hero_roster_preferred                          2,13,15                               
                           last_viewed_announce_id                               26                               -1
        cl_graphics_driver_warning_dont_show_again                             true                            false
                            citadel_show_npe_modal                            false                             true
                                     cl_updaterate                              128                               20
                                   cl_interp_ratio                                1                                2
                                       default_fov                               75                               70
                       citadel_new_player_progress                               14                                0

Console History (reversed)

11840(531.101902):  ***** OUT OF MEMORY! /+/ attempted allocation size: 909120 ****
11839(529.866925):  server @ =[A:1:2054476805:30156]:  high packet loss detected flow incoming:    0ms engine latency,   280/  587 dropped (47.7%)
11838(528.467275):  Slamming client tick to server tick.  abs( server tick 121524 - client tick 121519 = 5 ) > ( cl_clockdrift_max_ticks 3 + sim ticks 1 = 4 )
11837(528.463085):  Current tick is 121520, but we have received a message for tick 121524.  Processing all messages up to 121524 now.
11836(525.775155):  Failed loading resource "sounds/abilities/atlas/a2_charge/step_02.vsnd_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
11835(525.640620):  Failed loading resource "sounds/abilities/atlas/a2_charge/step_03.vsnd_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
11834(525.534399):  Slamming client tick to server tick.  abs( server tick 121348 - client tick 121343 = 5 ) > ( cl_clockdrift_max_ticks 3 + sim ticks 1 = 4 )
11833(525.488433):  18117:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 33 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(512.002930 17834.667969 264.000000)
11832(524.774736):  Cannot apply Ragdoll impulse, body part root_motion is not physicalized
11831(523.734379):  last_cmd_number_executed going in reverse from server!  (Out of order delivery?)  29082 -> 2907911830(522.884262):  last_cmd_number_executed going in reverse from server!  (Out of order delivery?)  29032 -> 29031CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 121232 went backward from previous of 121235, resetting previous
11829(522.884229):  CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 121184 went backward from previous of 121185, resetting previous
11828(520.321221):  Cannot apply Ragdoll impulse, body part root_motion is not physicalized
11827(519.807170):  server @ =[A:1:2054476805:30156]:  high packet loss detected flow incoming:    0ms engine latency,   200/  599 dropped (33.4%)
11826(519.183769):  Cannot apply Ragdoll impulse, body part root_motion is not physicalized
11825(515.173645):  C:\buildworker\citadel_rel_win64\build\src\public\tier0\check_cast.h (29) : AssertMsg Failed in function AssertCast():
Cast of 3016178239 loses value information (returning -1278789057) in GetAttribute on C:\buildworker\citadel_rel_win64\build\src\panorama\uipanel.cpp:9715
11824(509.769709):  server @ =[A:1:2054476805:30156]:  high packet loss detected flow incoming:    0ms engine latency,   223/  549 dropped (40.6%)
11823(504.680726):  Cannot apply Ragdoll impulse, body part root_motion is not physicalized
11822(502.363606):  last_cmd_number_executed going in reverse from server!  (Out of order delivery?)  27800 -> 27788Slamming client tick to server tick.  abs( server tick 120073 - client tick 120068 = 5 ) > ( cl_clockdrift_max_ticks 3 + sim ticks 1 = 4 )
11821(501.466963):  last_cmd_number_executed going in reverse from server!  (Out of order delivery?)  27747 -> 27744CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 119941 went backward from previous of 119953, resetting previous
11820(500.560951):  last_cmd_number_executed going in reverse from server!  (Out of order delivery?)  27692 -> 27690CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 119897 went backward from previous of 119900, resetting previous
11819(500.560904):  CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 119843 went backward from previous of 119845, resetting previous
11818(500.316902):  Slamming client tick to server tick.  abs( server tick 119831 - client tick 119823 = 8 ) > ( cl_clockdrift_max_ticks 3 + sim ticks 1 = 4 )
11817(500.241930):  last_cmd_number_executed going in reverse from server!  (Out of order delivery?)  27673 -> 27667Slamming client tick to server tick.  abs( server tick 119820 - client tick 119828 = -8 ) > ( cl_clockdrift_max_ticks 3 + sim ticks 1 = 4 )
11816(500.241894):  CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 119820 went backward from previous of 119826, resetting previous
11815(499.749684):  server @ =[A:1:2054476805:30156]:  high packet loss detected flow incoming:    0ms engine latency,    95/  602 dropped (15.8%)
11814(497.264244):  last_cmd_number_executed going in reverse from server!  (Out of order delivery?)  27494 -> 2748811813(497.264194):  CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 119641 went backward from previous of 119647, resetting previous
11812(488.065379):  18046:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 0 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(1706.666992 -17024.000000 128.000000)
11811(477.617163):  17912:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 33 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(8914.289062 17714.285156 256.000000)
11810(475.877146):  18045:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell 32 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(17002.667969 1616.000000 568.031250)
11809(475.414922):  18110:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell 46 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(31314.285156 1600.000000 568.031250)
11808(475.364891):  18047:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell -1 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-8512.003906 -18176.001953 512.031250)
11807(470.509196):  17912:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell 37 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(22096.316406 1600.000000 568.031250)
11806(463.613823):  18110:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 33 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(512.002930 17834.667969 264.000000)
11805(458.110358):  17914:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell 36 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(20870.982422 1616.000000 568.031250)
11804(457.003401):  18050:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell -5 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-21971.429688 1616.000000 568.031250)
11803(455.083467):  17918:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell -10 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-27200.000000 1600.000000 568.031250)
11802(454.705043):  18046:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell -7 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-23771.427734 1832.000000 512.031250)
11801(454.258153):  18047:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 50 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-6171.432617 35257.148438 256.000000)
11800(453.954038):  18044:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 35 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-16384.000000 20231.910156 256.000000)
11799(453.954031):  18044:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell -12 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-29379.191406 1408.000000 256.000000)
11798(453.953997):  17895:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 51 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-6171.434570 36171.437500 256.000000)
11797(453.814567):  18114:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell -13 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-30514.287109 1280.000000 256.000000)
11796(453.814532):  18113:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell -18 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-34971.425781 1408.000000 256.000000)
11795(453.634414):  18111:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 39 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(13848.746094 24444.035156 256.000000)
11794(453.239959):  17914:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell -7 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-24415.859375 1600.000000 568.031250)
11793(435.315478):  17895:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell 46 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(31428.572266 1792.000000 264.000000)
11792(435.103200):  18044:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell -18 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(11028.576172 -34914.289062 535.843750)
11791(434.251538):  18047:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell -18 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-35349.664062 -1529.500000 664.000000)
11790(432.293565):  SOS PRINT STRING: print_priority_blocking: geist_congrats_05_hero_3d - blocked, below at or below threshold.
11789(428.399749):  SOS PRINT STRING: print_priority_blocking: gigawatt_pick_up_gold_01_hero_3d - blocked, below at or below threshold.
11788(423.445790):  18111:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell 51 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(36571.429688 -1824.000000 535.843750)
11787(423.352452):  18113:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell -19 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-1828.566406 -36685.722656 256.000000)
11786(422.881696):  18114:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell -20 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-37028.570312 1824.000000 256.000000)
11785(420.500102):  Failed loading resource "sounds/abilities/atlas/a2_charge/step_01.vsnd_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
11784(420.204158):  Failed loading resource "sounds/abilities/atlas/a2_charge/step_04.vsnd_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
11783(419.378326):  SOS PRINT STRING: print_priority_blocking: gigawatt_pick_up_gold_02_hero_3d - blocked, below at or below threshold.
11782(419.032702):  Cannot apply Ragdoll impulse, body part root_motion is not physicalized
11781(419.016821):  SOS PRINT STRING: print_priority_blocking: gigawatt_congrats_02_hero_3d - blocked, below at or below threshold.
11780(419.016734):  SOS PRINT STRING: print_priority_blocking: patron_male_ally_warden_killing_streak_01_announcer - blocked, below at or below threshold.
11779(414.167718):  SOS PRINT STRING: print_priority_blocking: warden_congrats_03_hero_3d - blocked, below at or below threshold.
11778(414.167661):  SOS PRINT STRING: print_priority_blocking: wraith_congrats_05_hero_3d - blocked, below at or below threshold.
11777(414.167585):  SOS PRINT STRING: print_priority_blocking: patron_male_many_assists_by_vindicta_announcer - blocked, below at or below threshold.
11776(413.770892):  17918:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 38 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(597.336426 22869.335938 256.000000)
11775(412.762322):  17914:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 38 is outside of cell boUser Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available
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