[COMPLETE HERO IDEA w/ LORE] Dr. Arad the Soul Scientist


Active member
Gameplay Description:
A dangerous and elusive scientist, Arad wields an experimental weapon fueled by the souls of his enemies. If his experiments are left unregulated, he may amass enough souls to conduct his grand experiment—one that could put every life on the battlefield at risk.

Character Theme and Appearance:
A tall, slender figure, very unhealthly - appearing as though sustenance serves merely to maintain his existence, possesses an almost translucent skin. Despite being in his late 30s, he wears sunglasses as if shielding himself from a forgotten sun. He'll never stop smoking too. His stubbled beard and mess of a hair add to his untidy appearance. Notably, a subtle, bulging green vein pattern on his neck hints at self-experimentation. He wields a railgun crafted from a blend of wooden and futuristic elements combined with a green soul-like hue.

Dr. Michael Arad, once a household name in NYC representing a new age of enlightenment, saw his promising invention met with tragedy. His company's creation led to many innocent fatalities and swift regulatory action by the FDA. Despite legal maneuvers that spared him from lengthy imprisonment, his reputation lays in ruins, compounded by his former co-founder's disappearance.

Years after most had abandoned his pioneering yet incomplete work on Soul Extrapolation, Michael, driven by a quest for redemption, never relented. For a decade, he toiled in dark, secluded laboratories, relentlessly attempting to amend the fundamental flaw in the science that had once doomed his life's work. After exhausting every possible avenue and strategy, he now contemplates a bold move: seeking aid from the Patrons themselves.

Game starting - Amber Patron to Arad:
"Arad, even with all my power, it is beyond me to solve Extraction. But bring me into this world, and I'll grant you every resource possible to solve it yourself — as you were always meant to do."

Railgun, starts with 1 ammo (which represents Arad's soul). High base damage, good accuracy, hit-scan (like Bebop) and moderate fire rate. He must farm souls for his gun to be viable as each soul he stores counts as 1 ammo.

Arad cannot increase his ammo count through items.

Ability 1:
Mysterious energies rise up from the ground at a chosen location, rooting and applying Spirit damage to all enemies in that small AoE. Killing troopers/neutrals with this ability would immediately award their soul to Arad (Like a melee attack).

Ability 2:
Arad prepares for any enemy damage taken within the next 2 seconds, once hit, Arad will ignore a single instance of that damage, and teleport almost-instantly to a chosen direction (its more like a fast dash). Once arriving, Arad gains 20% Fire rate for 3 seconds.
(If no enemy damage was taken within these 2 seconds, ability will go to cooldown while Arad would not teleport).

Ability 3:
Store the soul of each enemy you defeat (each soul popped). Upon death, half of them will be lost.
Active: Choose the amount of souls to imbue your ultimate ability with once you activate it.

Each soul will grant 1 ammo. New souls collected would be immediately reloaded into the gun.
Maximum of 25 souls can be stored at a time.
(Possible LVL 3 AP Upgrade: Weapon Damage bonus at max souls)
(Possible LVL5 AP Upgrade: Arad can now hold 35 souls.)

Ability 4 (Ultimate):
Arad loads an experimental soul projectile into his railgun. Upon hitting an enemy hero, the projectile imbues the target with a chosen amount of souls, causing Arad to lose them. After 2.5 seconds, the target's soul would overload and exit his body, flying away, which deals 125 base spirit damage, and stunning the target for 1.25sec. Arad can shoot that soul, causing it to explode in massive AoE for 10 damage per soul imbued and and allowing Arad to recover the souls he invested in casting this ability. Arad can decide the amount of souls to imbue using Ability 3.

(The soul exiting the enemy is a huge, unique soul)

That's it! if you have any other ability suggestions related to Arad you're more than welcome to post them down here in the comments. I'm sure some things could be tweaked to be better but focus on the main idea: Arad starts off really weak, struggling to collect souls and using his first ability to secure souls since his ammo count is really small.
Once he gains enough souls, he can unlock the potential of his gun which is innately good (hit-scan and high base damage) and then also start using his ultimate which is a risk-reward: Arad halts his shooting-ability in a teamfight (losing his ammo) for a couple of seconds to deal massive AoE spirit damage.
To sustain gunfights and 1v1s, he is equipped with his 2nd ability which if used carefully can give him insane outplay potential BUT smart enemies will know how to play against it and counter him, leaving him vulnerable.
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