Comms Banned for using CAPS


New member
The specific time is in 12:40 where someone in voice chat said to everyone go in urn, including for our Haze to teleport so she could use her ult in the fight. As Kelvin, I used my ice path to get to the fight. Everyone went, except Haze where she kept farming. After the fight everyone was mad. I got a little heated and typed "HAZE ARE YOU OKAY?" "COULD'VE ULTED AND KILLED 3 PEOPLE" "BUT NO KEEP FARMING". (I typed in caps, so that's my bad). I said those in a span of 13:31 - 14:02 (I type slow).

If you watch the entire replay at the end I said "TOXIC KELVIN" "REPORT" I said that sarcastically, as a joke, because someone said that i was toxic in regards of what i typed to Haze. Which might have backfired and caused an automatic ban due to people reporting me....

Watch the replay @ match id 23696799