Combo based monk character.


New member
The idea of that character revolves around combining its weapon attack, melee and his abilities in different orders for different effects. Its weapon attack places a mark(mark placement could or, probably, should be a levelled passive) on a character(might be friendly as well) and deals damage(otherwise i dont see its value for early game, where last hits are important). This mark can be imbued with different effects, depending on character's interactions with it and those effects can be activated by hitting marked opponent with melee attack. This action will trigger the explosion of the mark and imbued effect. The mark explosion also triggers other marks to explode in its radius.

1st ability: Since that characters depends on fighting at melee range its abilities should provide him with enough ways to change position. For the 1st ability i am thinking about a short range leap with aoe slow, that imbues the mark with stun. So basic combo should look like: Mark an enemy with weapon leap towards an enemy to imbue the mark, hit an enemy with melee to proc the stun. If a friendly character's mark got imbued, this character will be given a decaying movement speed buff

2nd ability is a charged kick: Character on pressing a button starts charging his kick for a short time. In its basic form this kick works like a charged melee, pushing the character forward. But it would be more cool, if it would have differences, depending on characters vertical position. If it was used from ground, it will be short ranged, but launching the enemy forward with hyperbolic arced path. When used from above, its a long range(longer then "from ground" version) straight charge, that on hit sends an enemy into a short slide and deals bonus damage, if an enemy hits the wall or other character. Imbues the mark with disarm effect.

3rd ability: Passive mark. Shooting an enemy will place a mark on that enemy. That mark can be exploded by hitting marked enemy with a melee. (Also considering exploding a mark by continuously shooting a marked enemy, which can provide a fire rate buff or spread the mark to other characters) Exploding a mark shortens abilities cooldowns

4th ability: A major team fight threat. A single target cast. The monk catches and grabs enemy character or trooper and leaps high into the air, then slams its victim into the ground crippling it and dealing damage. If a thrown enemy was marked, his marks spreads onto every character within aoe, including imbued effects.

So the plan for that character looks like this: At the early game it can play risky all ins, trying to throw enemy away from safe space, chipping off its health and then finishing the fight with aerial kick into the wall. Constantly alterating between weapon and melee allows it to frequently use abilities. Mid game: ganks, lots of ganks, since its toolkit is extremely good in teamfights. Late game: teamfight flipper / passive threat/ counter initiation.

Some parts of this character obviously should be acquired by maxing out certain skills.

I took inspiration from a lot of different characters from different genres: Doomfist from overwatch with high vertical and horizontal mobility, Lee sin from LoL with mark and being combo dependent, earth spirit from dota with his immense teamfight potential due to debuff spreading. I will certainly refine this idea and add more details, because i dont want this character to become an overloaded menace to the game core gameplay.
Little addendum for a visual design. It does not necessarily looks like monk. Monk is more gameplay definition. If my sleep deprived brain will yield me a visual representation for that character, i will post it here