

New member
1. Banana peel slip trap, short stun, slow, damage

2. Pie cannon, linear skill shot, applies damage, lowers attack rate, and adds pie effect to targets HUD imparing vision somewhat

3. Balloon animal, creates a copy of target allied hero or self that can't attack and has very low health, and moves around randomly. When destroyed, low damages and silences in a medium AOE, and reveals nearby enemies on map. Deflates after several seconds

4. Surprise party, channeled large AOE around Clown, slows enemies and applies a constantly changing random debuff to fire rate and magazine size to enemies, while randomly buffing allies mag size, fire rate, and spirit power.

His primary fire throws miniature pies from his satchel, secondary fire honks a bike horn, dealing damage in a small cone.

His shoes should be squeaky
Levels for skills:

1. +0.5 second stun duration / banana peel is now thrown to a random nearby location after first slip / +100 Damage

2. +50 damage / pie applies a 5 meter knock back / pie on face now obscures minimap entirely

3. +1 charge / +5 second duration / +3 second silence duration

4. +20 DPS / reduced cooldown / increases upper and lower bounds of randomized factors for allies and enemies respectively
I was going to post about a clown hero with the banana peel and everything, but I like your take a lot better. The ult sounds especially dope
Clowns are distinctly American culture, everyone in America loves carnivals and carnival food. A clown hero would combine the best of both worlds, please add a clown.
I don't think clowns are distinctly American. A clown hero would be fun though and I like the idea of him being somewhat of a trickster since carnivals have a lot of magicians and clowns are a sort of magician themselves. I think a clown hero that has abilities that aren't necessarily grounded in the game's reality would be interesting, since the world already has magic, so you would have to give him something almost nonsensical to justify the existence of a trickster in a world full of tricks.
I don't think clowns are distinctly American. A clown hero would be fun though and I like the idea of him being somewhat of a trickster since carnivals have a lot of magicians and clowns are a sort of magician themselves. I think a clown hero that has abilities that aren't necessarily grounded in the game's reality would be interesting, since the world already has magic, so you would have to give him something almost nonsensical to justify the existence of a trickster in a world full of tricks.
Bozo the Clown invented the modern "birthday clown" archetype I believe. I agree with the concept of a Clown hero, would be cool.
A clown hero is a great idea. My first thought was that a more darker evil themed clown would fit better for the games aesthetic and world. More like the Joker or Shaco from League.
Just Came across a poster for a German film called the The Third Generation. The face paint and look of the clown + uzi gun would look great for your hero concept.1000026274.jpg
I was definitely imagining something not at all edgy, very much just a garden variety clown, sort of participating in this contest if only by peer pressure, or the feeling of "when in rome"; perhaps an occult-like split personality type thing, at least? Clown possessed by a demon, but the clown had too much mental fortitude and partially absorbed the demon? Very cartoony appearance, though.
How about a clown car ult, where you drive around in a clown car and run people over, flattening them dealing massive damage and stunning them? For surprise party, you could have the effect be a circus tent with creepy tendrils and arms coming out of it and hurting people around it.
How about a clown car ult, where you drive around in a clown car and run people over, flattening them dealing massive damage and stunning them? For surprise party, you could have the effect be a circus tent with creepy tendrils and arms coming out of it and hurting people around it.
Reminds me of the Centaur ult from Dota. Could be cool.
I was definitely imagining something not at all edgy, very much just a garden variety clown, sort of participating in this contest if only by peer pressure, or the feeling of "when in rome"; perhaps an occult-like split personality type thing, at least? Clown possessed by a demon, but the clown had too much mental fortitude and partially absorbed the demon? Very cartoony appearance, though.
I would prefer garden variety as well, but there's a lot of choice. The clown possessed by demon is a good idea, similar to Violator from Spawn.


He transforms into an insane demon.
A clown car that the other heroes can jump into would be fun. I enjoy Ivy's new ult where I can pick up other players and deliver them to the frontlines, or as a form of escape. You would have to be careful not to make the car too similar to Viscous' ultimate though.
I think it functioning as a fast moving, but tricky to control, car would make it enjoyable.