Client crashes, vpk corrupted.

New member
Hi! I think this is possibly a Valve Game Problem (Source?)... since a similar thing happens (although much less rarely) when I play Dota 2.

Sometimes the game will crash suddenly without warning, at seemingly random times. Then I can restart it.

Other times the game will crash suddenly, pop up some VPK corrupted error... then fail to Verify Game Files. I have to reinstall the game to get back in.

I did some online searching and it was suggested that maybe my RAM frequency isn't set correctly, so I changed it to match what the retail box of my DRAM says it is (5600MHz) as it was automatically set to 4800MHz.

I still get crashes, even more regularly now, but at least the corrupt vpk thing hasn't happened in the last 30 minutes (in which I had 4 crashes and a BSOD). I've attached some dumps...

