Cheaters on team the match after they are reported by entire team/group.


New member
First match: 228990538
Bebop: Patrick Jane -
Vindicta: np4xmz -

Second match: 22893304
Bebop: Patrick Jane -
Vindicta: np4xmz -

Both of these players are obvious cheaters. Every aimed ability hit consecutively, every shot a headshot.

Entire party reported these 2 players, and the next game we were put on their team where they won a 3/6 because we basically sat out from playing in protest.

The Bebop player added me on steam afterwards, and claimed to be a "Smurf" where he then bragged about another one of his alt accounts:

царь лобака

Who knows how many accounts these people have.

Please, someone higher up with the powers to do so, look into these players/accounts and do something.

I am putting this in the Bug Report section because I believe it is a bug that we were put into the same game (LET ALONE THE SAME TEAM) as the people we had just reported.