Cheater Report Nr 2

3rd game of the day and i came across another one, this is getting dumb - i cant tell if at this point its my paranoia, but come on.. nr 1 damage is 20% of all damage headshot - critical? And the crap this dude was pulling ingame with the jump-pads and the kegs is just suspicious. always knows where we were, always doing some shady ganks


3rd game of the day and i came across another one, this is getting dumb - i cant tell if at this point its my paranoia, but come on.. nr 1 damage is 20% of all damage headshot - critical? And the crap this dude was pulling ingame with the jump-pads and the kegs is just suspicious. always knows where we were, always doing some shady ganks

34110877 he's also blatantly cheating in cs2. It's crazy how Valve allows people to cheat