Cheater report 20754072


Match ID 20754072
Player is the Haze
He went 25 kills and 2 deaths in a 30 minute game
Brand new and completely empty steam account with the only game on it being Deadlock

EDIT: He has since set his profile to private after I made this thread, despite it having been public since he's been playing since September 3rd according to the tracklock website. Which means he probably saw this thread.

Only thing that is on his steam account is 1 friend in his friend's list who has a comments section on his page full of people accusing him of cheating (including in Deadlock), which obviously isn't exactly conclusive but it is additional circumstantial evidence. If you ban this guy I suggest you look into whoever invited him (likely invited from his main account, since this is an obvious alt) and ban him too.

Multiple instances of 100% tracking accuracy and melting people as Haze despite outrageous movement that would make even the best real players miss at least one bullet or at least stop firing continuously for a split-second. I attached 3 clips, one of Lash being melted in one fell swoop while grappling above him (every bullet hits despite the demo making it look a little delayed, Fixation's buff tracks the bullets hitting and it matches up perfectly with how many have left the magazine during the kill). Another of the Wraith being melted without a bullet missing and without the firing stopping while teleporting directly straight up into the air, one clip at 25% speed and another at 100% speed.

The rest of the kills in that match are similarly outrageous with no bullets missing, also something to note is that he doesn't use his aimbot to deny/secure souls or to get 100% headshots like the most blatant people do, he has human reaction times when it comes to securing souls and inhuman reaction times when it comes to perfectly tracking wacky vertical movement above his head.

I'm not on discord so if someone could do me the favor of reporting this guy there too I'd appreciate it.


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That is an aimbot hard at work. The Wraith clip is a dead giveaway considering that the player, "K", does not see the direction of the card for the escape but auto snaps to the player within a slip second.