Cheater in matchID:2366394

It looks kind of safe to me. It could just be snappy aim. Like they didn't turn around to engage with you until after they got hit by you.
So it's pretty wild that, right after some insane headshots, she 180s, dashes towards me, and I dash into her, which places me on the opposite side of her, where she then casts ult.

So in order:
Headshot on Ivy, hit by dagger, turns rolls at me, I dash towards and ult her, she's aiming at me to ult, looking at where I started, and without tracking me going over her, flips around to cast ult understanding I'd end up on the other side?
There's luck but this is much beyond that, I'm beyond sure this player is cheating.

This is the frame she turned to face me after being hit, the reaction took 4 frames from the moment of impact. She dash jumps the moment she turns.

During her dash jump towards me, shown in this frame, she tracks me horizontally first from the direction I arrive from, while facing the ground, and casts ult on me at this frame specifically. I'd encourage looking over it at full speed, and then going frame by frame on match replay at 26:54.

This takes her 11 frames of aim adaptation to a unique situation that has only existed for a week in the game. People are fast when they're ready for things, but this is beyond absurd.
View attachment Geist Proof.mp4
First for context, here is the original moment from Geist's perspective above, and how fast the turns are.

Then my perspective from the moment it happened below:

View attachment what in da hell geist.mp4

I'll use mimic in the training mode to example. There's a generous cone to her ult so you can definitely catch people with the edge of it. It's not like they couldn't have cast it when I was flying at them and exchanged then, but the important aspect is that they didn't cast it until turning around to react to my character flying above and rotating with the targeted ability tracking from Shiv's execute.
View attachment Deadlock 2024.08.23 -

In this video I example a few different variations you can see out of the interaction, and the struggle from Geist's ult to find it's target at times. It's a wide cone, but the 180 to grab me while staring at the ground to track my movement behind them is something to pay attention to in the original replay.

View attachment Deadlock 2024.08.23 -
View attachment 12632
First for context, here is the original moment from Geist's perspective above, and how fast the turns are.

Then my perspective from the moment it happened below:

View attachment 12633

I'll use mimic in the training mode to example. There's a generous cone to her ult so you can definitely catch people with the edge of it. It's not like they couldn't have cast it when I was flying at them and exchanged then, but the important aspect is that they didn't cast it until turning around to react to my character flying above and rotating with the targeted ability tracking from Shiv's execute.
View attachment 12629

In this video I example a few different variations you can see out of the interaction, and the struggle from Geist's ult to find it's target at times. It's a wide cone, but the 180 to grab me while staring at the ground to track my movement behind them is something to pay attention to in the original replay.

View attachment 12631
I'll be honest with you, the first second of the first video there convinced me. That was a really weird snap into the wall, like she was tracking through the wall and had to quickly fix it.
My 2 cent opinion that is slighty biased. IMO, just like everything in life, I cant tell if its legit or not. Here's my reasoning

1) Yes, I do think there is something suspicious going on. That weird 1-3 seconds from LG that shift left is weird. I have my share of weird gameplays from enemy players too, while it isnt straight up hacking/aimbotting/headshotting, there are instances where the players snap quickly or do weird quirky movement. Again, I cant tell cause just like Counter Strike, there are stupid ways to lower the snapping or lower the cheat so players dont get caught

2) If it was a chinese/russian enemy player, then its more sus because for whatever reason, the hacks are usually from those places but because I check the vod and its an English name... eh its not so really (biased I know)

3) Then if you continue watching LG and her aim after the ulti, its super sh*t. If someone is going to cheat, at least have a decent low snapping but no, the player barely had it or doesnt have at all.

TECHNICALLY, when you came out, you could have just ulti her. She is definately culling treshold.

So for me, my conclusion is that, LG health is already low so she already is already set in mind that whoever is going to jump, she will ulti and unfortunately, you jump too close to her to get it off. Therefore, I cant tell. The first few seconds was suspicious but not warranted and the ulti is just lucky
Disclaimer: I have some 1k hours administrating and moderating GoldSource & Source-based servers.

I'll be honest with you, the first second of the first video there convinced me. That was a really weird snap into the wall, like she was tracking through the wall and had to quickly fix it.
It convinced me that OP manipulated the video to cut off a half-second right before the video starts, where Shiv's footsteps are clearly audible, and Gheist naturally turns around to check a possible attack vector.

The aim doesn't snap to anything because there's nobody in that direction, Shiv is clearly way above, on the upper level. And the snappy movement is caused by the very low framerate of the demo itself — the aim position is continuously updated from events that carry the aim information, like moving mouse or shooting or using precisely aimed abilities; and when there's only mouse/stick movement, the events will be compressed to save the bandwidth, making the aim very janky — you can see this with your own eyes any time outside of the battle on any player.

Same with the wild turn and ult activation. There's not enough frames to see if Gheist had flicked to face Shiv directly.

I've watched a whole bunch of Deadlock demos, and the low framerate causes a lot of jank, such as getting hits through walls and bullets deviating some 30 degrees off the aim.

So this demo comes out as "unpleasantly suspicious" at best. And if Valve's policy is about the same as in the other games, to ban a cheater you need a demo that qualifies as "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt".
Disclaimer: I have some 1k hours administrating and moderating GoldSource & Source-based servers.

It convinced me that OP manipulated the video to cut off a half-second right before the video starts, where Shiv's footsteps are clearly audible, and Gheist naturally turns around to check a possible attack vector.

The aim doesn't snap to anything because there's nobody in that direction, Shiv is clearly way above, on the upper level. And the snappy movement is caused by the very low framerate of the demo itself — the aim position is continuously updated from events that carry the aim information, like moving mouse or shooting or using precisely aimed abilities; and when there's only mouse/stick movement, the events will be compressed to save the bandwidth, making the aim very janky — you can see this with your own eyes any time outside of the battle on any player.

Same with the wild turn and ult activation. There's not enough frames to see if Gheist had flicked to face Shiv directly.

I've watched a whole bunch of Deadlock demos, and the low framerate causes a lot of jank, such as getting hits through walls and bullets deviating some 30 degrees off the aim.

So this demo comes out as "unpleasantly suspicious" at best. And if Valve's policy is about the same as in the other games, to ban a cheater you need a demo that qualifies as "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt".
Yeah, that's fair, I looked more at the snappiness which I wasn't aware the playback did and the fact she just stared at a wall. But It looks like she turned the camera just far enough to check to see if someone was coming from the left.
Disclaimer: I have some 1k hours administrating and moderating GoldSource & Source-based servers.

It convinced me that OP manipulated the video to cut off a half-second right before the video starts, where Shiv's footsteps are clearly audible, and Gheist naturally turns around to check a possible attack vector.

The aim doesn't snap to anything because there's nobody in that direction, Shiv is clearly way above, on the upper level. And the snappy movement is caused by the very low framerate of the demo itself — the aim position is continuously updated from events that carry the aim information, like moving mouse or shooting or using precisely aimed abilities; and when there's only mouse/stick movement, the events will be compressed to save the bandwidth, making the aim very janky — you can see this with your own eyes any time outside of the battle on any player.

Same with the wild turn and ult activation. There's not enough frames to see if Gheist had flicked to face Shiv directly.

I've watched a whole bunch of Deadlock demos, and the low framerate causes a lot of jank, such as getting hits through walls and bullets deviating some 30 degrees off the aim.

So this demo comes out as "unpleasantly suspicious" at best. And if Valve's policy is about the same as in the other games, to ban a cheater you need a demo that qualifies as "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt".
I can just post the full video lol, I was saving time because you can just go the replay too and wanted to show what we're talking about, also there's a whole fight happening while I walk up.

I'm trying to listen for when it's busy to go in, and make a decision around that.

View attachment Deadlock 2024.08.22 -
I'll still chalk it up as unlucky. She got her ulti off first. Whether or not you want to debate the 180 degree is up to debate but in my mind, its definately not cheating.

Like if you want some sort of cheating, I have a vod. This, I feel is more weirder than yours.

Because that weird snapping, that weird turn right and turn left and then afterwards, the 3rd shots were on point to me but because the creeps took the hit, I survive. That is weird

