Cheaper Respawn Item(s) and Item(s) to increase how often you can zipline boost


New member
It's baffling to me that there's no items that reduce the frankly nonsensically long zipline boost cooldown, and respawn times can get very long, there should be more ways to reduce that. Currently there's only the one, unless i missed something, and it doesnt even actually effect respawn time it just respawns you in spot, and it's a max tier item.

Getting back into the fight can be a real slog sometimes, and there should be items to negate that if a player values it.

Having such items would be extremely useful for players taking the role of tank.
I don't think this would be necessary or healthy for the game. Note that ziplines increase their travel speed when you've broken the enemy base guardians , removing the need to boost.

An item to shorter respawns may be double edged - it'd set you back in funds while allowing you to feed the enemy team more if you take part in fights that you can't survive. This could make teammates angry.
I don't think this would be necessary or healthy for the game. Note that ziplines increase their travel speed when you've broken the enemy base guardians , removing the need to boost.

An item to shorter respawns may be double edged - it'd set you back in funds while allowing you to feed the enemy team more if you take part in fights that you can't survive. This could make teammates angry.
Feeding isnt nearly as big a deal as it is in some mobas, and also in general "feeding" is a toxic mindset to begin with. It's one of the worst parts of trying to get into established mobas and it's entirely a player-driven made up mindset.
Also it's extremely easy to fix that in various ways. Reduce souls rewarded when you're killed, or put it on a cooldown, or make it take souls whenever you die. So many ways it could be balanced.

As for the zipline, yeah it gets buffed when you take down the base guardians... which isnt helpful at all if you've got a fairly even match and you're having to rush to prevent the enemy team from taking down your walker.
Also it doesnt currently help get back in the game, if anything the boosted speed when gate guards are down just quickens the demise of the losing team, adding an item that boosts your own zipline usage could help a losing team bounce back.
Feeding isnt nearly as big a deal as it is in some mobas, and also in general "feeding" is a toxic mindset to begin with. It's one of the worst parts of trying to get into established mobas and it's entirely a player-driven made up mindset.
Also it's extremely easy to fix that in various ways. Reduce souls rewarded when you're killed, or put it on a cooldown, or make it take souls whenever you die. So many ways it could be balanced.

As for the zipline, yeah it gets buffed when you take down the base guardians... which isnt helpful at all if you've got a fairly even match and you're having to rush to prevent the enemy team from taking down your walker.
Also it doesnt currently help get back in the game, if anything the boosted speed when gate guards are down just quickens the demise of the losing team, adding an item that boosts your own zipline usage could help a losing team bounce back.
I disagree on the feeding part, its not made up mindset.
Its actually something that happens.

imagine this, you get destroyed on the lane (happens!) and you come back to the duo, again, again and again. You cant deal with them, they are 2-3K ahead. You just die there. This is feeding, not on purpouse, and also not griefing (if you are new ofc).
In this case, you should try to get some farm, and maybe abbandon the lane entirely, or call for help. If you cant win a fight, and try to fight without any support then its bad.

Balancing souls for dying is a hard part, and not that easy to make, it should be rewarded to get kills, it should also be punished if you die non stop.
BUT! If you buff one, the other one gets nerfed to the ground, if you dont lose anything or the killer gets nothing, than you are free to do whatever you like (as the dying hero) and the killers are basically wasting time. No need to push, cause you will come and get your ult up, no need for killing you cause no / too little souls. On the other side, if the killer gets more and more souls, feeding would get out of hand, very fast.

In the end, the balancing part is hard, and it should consider both sides. but feeding is a legit term, which is a punishment for dying.

Ziplines boosts could lead to more rotations and to quicker plays, an item maybe around 3K or a little higher, would be a good part to this I think, not reducing it to 60 sec, idk. maybe 2 charges or something, so you can go in, and then if someone split pushes you go back again after a fight.