Character Stuck in mirage tornado?


New member
Match ID 19685870

Bug occurred at 19:20 onwards, mirage used tornado on me whilst it looks like I was dashing forward and got stuck in the animation for the rest of the game.
I eventually found Mirage + paradox at 28:10 minutes to use their spells on me to see if it would unstuck me but neither worked. I also exited the game and restarted it and was still stuck.
I just saw that happen in a match earlier too. It wasn't me who got stuck like that, but Lash was just kinda floating around, flailing.
Same thing happened with me, Match ID 19955264, at 5:40. I attempted to pull Wraith as Bebop at the same time she was in a Mirage Tornado. She was stuck in the animation until I pulled her again and it fixed it.