Character specific key binds

I agree. Playing talon and having to HOLD your "1" key to aim down sights makes it difficult to strafe left and right while using the ability. I'm sure this change is in the works though. I hope it can be followed by character specific crosshairs too!
This doesn't help OP's case but you can hold the fire button (MB1) instead of 1 for hold skills
What about for Grey Talon? You have to HOLD 1 and then you can't strafe left assuming your keys are on WASD. I am not stressed though as I am confident devs will add it at some point.
What about for Grey Talon? You have to HOLD 1 and then you can't strafe left assuming your keys are on WASD. I am not stressed though as I am confident devs will add it at some point.
I just tested it (and I also have a few games of GT already) as long as you press left click (MB1) before it fully charges or if u hold 1 and MB1 at the same time you can let go of 1.
Usually i just tap 1 and hold left click tbh it works really well for me. Some characters like Yamato's 1 is a bit counter intuitive though because in her case its more like a "press to start and press to release" other than hold which is inconsistent IMO.
I just tested it (and I also have a few games of GT already) as long as you press left click (MB1) before it fully charges or if u hold 1 and MB1 at the same time you can let go of 1.
Usually i just tap 1 and hold left click tbh it works really well for me. Some characters like Yamato's 1 is a bit counter intuitive though because in her case its more like a "press to start and press to release" other than hold which is inconsistent IMO.
this worked! thanks tormit
With regards to OP, I also need per-hero binds. It's a necessary accessibility tool for people who are disabled with motor impairments
Agree, especialy for key features that you place vs self cast. Or abilities that require you to shoot, that have to be binded to a key that does not screw up your aim.
It could be a simple drop down menu for the 4 ability keys that show all the characters and you can select a key for multiple.
You can then add multiple keybinds and set what characters you want those to use by checking a checkbox.
in addition to the keybinds it would be nice to be able to change your sensitivity/ other mouse settings per character as well.