character Nori (almost a team character for controlling opponents and dealing a lot of damage but only with good aim)


New member
I didn’t really worry about the appearance, here’s a cheap result of some random neural network to at least somehow capture the essence of the design
History: Nori comes from an orphanage with quite cruel treatment of children, after leaving there one of her few entertainments was simply going to the shooting range and shooting at targets. She doesn’t remember anything at all from the orphanage, she doesn’t know who or where her parents are. Her character is very strange, she is quite cold-blooded, very confident but does not show off, she has quite a witty humor so she likes to make fun of other characters with the most calm voice possible. She began to philosophize since childhood, now she believes that she does not need an overnight stay or a constant income, and she also believes that sociology ruined the earth, if people were not shy, did not wear clothes and did not show off in front of others, they would have developed much better in her opinion

Main characteristics:

max health: 500
base health regeneration: 3
bulletproof: 0%
spiritual protection: 5%
movement speed: 6.5 meters/second
sprint speed 0 meters/second (I don’t even understand what the difference is from normal walking speed to be honest)
stamina: 3

Main Weapon:
bullet damage: 17 to the body. 29 to the head
ammunition: 8 rounds
firing rate: + - like abrams
reload: completely empty magazine 4 seconds. Not completely empty magazine 1 round = 1.75 seconds
light melee: 45
heavy melee: 78


1 ability: active
Team surge: Nori makes a dash and then begins to run faster, leaving behind a trail that increases the speed of the team's movement and the speed at which their health is restored (the trail itself does not heal, it only increases basic regeneration) (the trail does not have a cumulative effect, that is, so that the participant Komadny received the maximum speed bonus and basic regeneration, he only needs to touch the trail once, subsequent touches only reset the timer until the end of the effect) (Nori herself does not receive additional effects if she gets into her own trail) (Nori can attack while running but cannot use abilities. Nori cannot do anything during the dash except choose its trajectory)
cooldown: 55 seconds
running speed: 12.8 meters/second
running time: 2 seconds
trail duration: 4 seconds
dash distance: 7 meters
dash speed: 0.5 seconds
effects duration: 7 seconds
running speed when touching the trail: +3 meters/second
base regeneration on contact with a trace: +3
Ability level 1: +1 charge
Ability level 2: cooldown -25 seconds
Ability level 3: Nori becomes invulnerable to any damage when dashing and also receives resistance to spiritual damage while running by 45%

Ability 2: active
Flying projectile: Shoots a beam that, when hit, slows down the enemy; if the beam does not hit the enemy, it flies through any 3 physical objects and only then disappears
cooldown: 25 seconds
damage: 55 spiritual
slowdown: 45%
slow duration: 5 seconds
Level 1 ability: now the beam can fly through any number of physical objects
Ability level 2: -15 seconds cooldown
Level 3 ability: when hitting an enemy, increases head damage from Nori's revolver against this enemy, for each head hit Nori receives 1 stack of hemorrhage, 1 stack of hemorrhage increases head damage against this enemy by +12, maximum 4 stacks. each stack lasts for 5 seconds in turn, if within 5 seconds Nori does not hit this enemy in the head, she will use up 1 stack, the effect itself lasts 15 seconds on the enemy, when the time runs out, all stacks disappear

3 ability: passive
Revolver of the Stolen Queen: increases head damage from a revolver +35
Level 1 ability: if a shot hits the head, its damage will not decrease due to distance (the effect lasts up to 35 meters)
2nd level of ability: when hit in the head, Nori receives 1 stack of the royal brooch, each stack lasts 4 seconds in turn, when receiving 3 stacks they are reset and a sky ball appears above the place where the enemy stood, if Nori shoots at the ball, the rollback of her 4 abilities is reduced by 15 seconds and the enemy slows down by 15% for 5 seconds, the ball levitates in the sky for up to 3 seconds and then explodes
Ability level 3: if Nori kills an enemy player while he was wearing at least 1 stack of the royal brooch, she receives +300 souls

Ability 4: active
Bubble outside the ground: Nori becomes completely immobilized and stands in a stance, after the end of the stance she jumps back into the air and the enemy standing in front of her is captured in the bubble, the enemy in the bubble receives gradual damage and cannot do anything, creeps and the enemy team can burst the bubble by shooting at him to free the prisoner
cooldown: 80 seconds
maximum bubble duration: 12 seconds
damage: 50/second
Stance duration: 1.5 seconds
jump length: 25 meters
jump height: 15 meters
bubble health: 400
Ability level 1: Nori now instantly performs p
agility without having to stand up
Ability level 2: bubble health +250
Level 3 ability: now the bubble can absorb up to 2 opponents at once

If anyone is interested in the ability design:
command surge: during the dash, Nori seems to lose her human form and simply turns into very fast streaks of pink, while accelerating, a bunch of blue-pink soap bubbles appear around Nori, the trail itself looks like pink northern lights
flying projectile: the beam is quite thin in itself, it is called a beam only because it leaves a long trail behind it, similar to the trail from the command surge ability, this trail in itself does nothing, just a decorative feature, I thought that if we there is a projectile that actually flies across the entire map, it needs to be clearly marked somehow, so I think that a train behind it is a good solution
stolen queen's revolver: 1 stack of royal brooch appears at the enemy's head, looks like an ordinary gold brooch with diamonds, the more stacks of royal brooch, the more brooches appear at the enemy's head to indicate them
bubble outside the ground: in the place where Nori jumps, a blue trail appears, supposedly to show how hard she jumped?? xd the bubble itself looks like an ordinary soap bubble and is slightly larger in size than any character in the game so that their model can easily fit in there