Character Idea : The Last Hussar (Ghost General)


New member
Basically like this guy but as a spirit / ghost

Potential character name: August Von Totenkopf, The Dead Hussar

Main Weapon: Flintlock Pistol
Melee: Sabre

Ability 1: Ghostly Charge
Summon the ghosts of 3 soldiers to charge before you with bayonets drawn. Any enemy caught by this charge takes DOT bleed damage and is pushed back 10 meters. If pushed into a wall, a teammate, or from a height they take extra damage.

Ability 2: Grim Retreat
Become a spirit and invulnerable to damage for 5 seconds. Movement speed is increased by 25%. Cannot attack in this state.

Ability 3: Mandible Manipulation
Throw a skull at an enemy that will bite down and attach itself. Once attached, enemy takes DOT and has souls siphoned from them to you for 5 seconds.

Ability 4: Honor The Dead
Honor a recently fallen teammate so they respawn with the Honorable Death buff, and gain the Honorable buff on self.
  • Honorable Death (moderate damage reduction, slight damage increase).
  • Honorable (slowly regenerate health for next 7 seconds, any abilities on cooldown instantly refresh, excluding ultimate)
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I like the idea of a soul stealing ability. Maybe the ult needs some tweaking. Instantly refreshing cooldowns could mean repeatedly ulting.

But this ghostly general idea is pretty cool.
I like the idea of a soul stealing ability. Maybe the ult needs some tweaking. Instantly refreshing cooldowns could mean repeatedly ulting.

But this ghostly general idea is pretty cool.
Yeah the ult would be the only one this didn’t apply too I should have mentioned. But thank you I appreciate the constructive feedback
I like the idea of an old ghost general with a funky hat. Or maybe a skeleton instead of a ghost.

Check out General Fairgraves from Path of Exile. Suits the character stereotype
I like this archetype idea too and the abilities are really cool. Ghostly charge and mandible manipulation sound awesome. Honor the fallen is unique as a sort of support ultimate.
I wrote a similar hero, some abilities are similar. I think the ultimate shouldn’t be assigned to allies. And the second and third strange abilities need to be remade, and they don’t really fit into the hero’s lore.