Character Concept for the Unfinished Hero "Wrecker"


New member
Not sure if this is the right zone, but I think it is!

A few of the unfinished characters really inspired me to imagine what they might look like finished or fully fleshed out, and "Wrecker" is the first one I had in mind.

"All across New York it's a common sight to see congealed spirit energy scuttling through trash or lurking in dingy subway corners. Most amalgams are around the size of an overfed rat. Some might stick around long enough to become the size of a small dog. None make it much longer past that before a concerned citizen enlists a helpful occultist to repaint the sidewalk with the offending spirit and scatter their essence back into the aether.

But an aspiring occultist saw untapped potential. Working in secret (and without an proper licensing), they scooped up as much wriggling occult discharge as they could, stuffing it into an alchemical jar until the seals strained to keep it contained. For 3 months the occultist let the energy fester in the makeshift Kodoku, hoping that as the forms devoured each other they would eventually culminate into a stronger, more powerful beast the likes of which would rival even those astral behemoths pulled forth screaming into the ritual halls on Lavender Hill.

And when they finally unsealed the jar to see their creation...they were promptly devoured alive.

But 'you are what you eat' is quite literal for creatures of spirit, and the brief jump in intelligence gave the fresh horror enough perspective to realize that eating someone right after meeting them might come across a bit rude. As recompense, it bound the occultist's spirit in a spare anima doll within the workshop.

While the jar-bound monster was far more dimunitive than its ritual showcase bretheren, its power was far more...concentrated. So concentrated, in fact, that the pure occult weight was enough to ravage the veil and tear a hole right through to the Astral Plane directly within the cavity that approximated its stomach.

Now 'Wrecker' and its unwilling (yet contractually bound) ex-occultist roam New York, searching for food to sate its never ending appetite, all while struggling to avoid the attention of OSIC and other powerful parties that would jump at the chance to control the incredibly lucrative opportunity within its gut."

