Character Concept: Arden

Approximate Hero Names: Arden, Sirion, etc.

Appearance: A blend of the main character from the game Hades and Adam from the anime Record of Ragnarok.

Pet Appearance: A small, fiery fox-like creature, very tiny in size.

Character Description: Arden is a young male warrior with a muscular build and a bare torso. He carries a small creature on his shoulder, which can shoot a beam as a form of attack.

Weaponry: The small creature on Arden's shoulder is capable of spitting out a beam as an attack.

Skill Set:

Q: Arden stretches out his hand, summoning a spear that can be thrown. Upon hitting the target, the spear either explodes, causing a slow/debuff effect, or functions like Mars' first skill from Dota, pinning the enemy to the nearest structure and immobilizing them for a certain amount of time.

W: Arden pushes off with his right or left foot, launching himself forward and landing on his feet. Upon landing, cracks form in the ground, dealing damage and slowing enemies. This ability has 2 charges.

E (Passive): This passive ability creates a small radius around Arden that reduces enemy movement speed and burns them, dealing damage that scales with Arden's spirit. Alternatively, if burning is not suitable, this ability could reduce the enemy's resistances.

R (Ultimate): Similar to Mars' ultimate from Dota. Arden creates an arena that protects allies within it from incoming damage, heals them, and burns enemies. The arena is covered, and the floor ignites with flames.

Playstyle: Arden is a hybrid character who thrives on movement, melee strikes, and his abilities. He synergizes well with spirit-based items.