Character color and team recognition


New member
This game plays like a MOBA but still feature a quick 3rd person shoorter playstyle. You can see in front of you and other than that, you don't have a ton of information about your surroundings. In a fight, it is sometimes difficult to see and indentify who you are shooting at, of they are teammates or not, because everything happens so fast. In a DOTA-like bird's-eye view you can move the camera far away and looks around you pretty easily, but you can not do this here. The health bar is good enough, but this could be really emphasize to help the player better get informations about its situation.

Maybe adding some colors like blue and red (just as an example) could be of help identifying who is who.

PS: I moved this to the feedback section to avoid being out-of-topic. I'm gonna leave this here a little while.
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