'Change cancel ability mode' not working for vindicta fly ability


New member
For vindicta, currently, the cancel mode will always be stuck on 'ability only' for this specific ability. For item abilities, it will work as intended.

If you changed keybindings, it would still behave the same; press ability -> press same to cancel. So it is really just stuck on ability only.

I have tried multiple keybindings for the cancel, made sure no conflicts, and nothing changed. And once again, I have confirmed it works with items.

Upon further testing: The problem also exists for Viscous, who was also disabled previously. Other movement abilities, like Yamato, do not seem to be affected, so it seems to be limited to the ones that were disabled.
I think it may be more widespread of a problem with the cancel modes. Different characters' different abilities are all treated differently. Some requiring the Cancel button to be pressed and others requiring the ability button to be pressed a second time to cancel it.
In some cases the design appears to be,
"We expect you to press the ability button a second time to cancel an ability you have initiated, but haven't actually committed to yet. As in, abilities that when you press the button, a preview appears and you press the Fire button to commit and actually use the ability proper. Meanwhile, if you are trying to cancel an ability which you have already committed to and is currently on-going, then you press the Cancel button to do cancel it."​
Note that while this may sound fine to you (are you an "Ability key mode" player?), it is not being consistently upheld, in the case of Vindicta, as pointed out by @dennisbos00 above.

The problem I have with this is that, in gameplay, the nuanced difference between these states is moot when I user action I want is to "Cancel whatever is going on so I can then do something else." The point of choosing the "Cancel Key" cancel ability mode is to have a single button that I can always press to get me out of whatever ability I am in, regardless of state, and allow me to do something else. This isn't working as I think it should.
  • I play in "Cancel Key" mode (Cancel key: Space)
  • I do NOT use "Unit Specific Hotkeys"
  • I use weird binds, don't judge me. =P
For example, on Grey Talon: (TL;DR it is a mixed bag).
  1. Charged Arrow:
    • No UI prompt for cancelling it.
    • If you attempt to re-press the ability button to cancel it, nothing happens. (Do this by pressing and releasing the ability button and then immediately pressing and holding your Fire button. While holding the charged arrow, press your ability button again. Nothing happens)
    • If you attempt to cancel it via the Cancel button it does sort of cancel it. The arrow does not fire (good!) but it does consume the charge (bad!). So you're not really cancelling it, you're just getting the worst of both worlds. Might as well have fired it at something...
  2. Rain of Arrows:
    • UI Prompt states to press the Cancel button to cancel it. This works. No problems here.1726835206435.png
    • Attempting to use the Ability button to cancel it does nothing. Good!
  3. Immobilizing Trap:
    • UI Prompt states to press the Ability button to "Deselect" it. This works, but it is not respecting my Cancel button choice. Bad!
    • Attempting to use the Cancel button does nothing. Bad!
  4. Guided Owl:
    • UI Prompt states to press the Cancel button to cancel it. This works!
    • 1726835396915.png
    • Attempting to use the Ability button to cancel does nothing. Good!
    • However, once the owl is flying, the UI changes and says to press the Ability button to Detonate and the Cancel button to cancel.
    • The Ability button actually does nothing now and the Cancel button actually "cancels" the flight by detonating the bird.
    • This is sort of an interesting case since... on paper, both buttons ought to do the same thing. The only way to cancel piloting the bird is to blow it up, and having the Detonate key be the Ability button makes sense as well since you're... "Using" the ability and not "Cancelling" it. Sort of a frame of mind kind of thing.
    • Interestingly though, the time it takes for your vision to return to Grey Talon after detonation is longer if you let the bird ram into something vs if you press the Cancel button. So it is optimal to always press the Cancel button right before hitting your target. Probably not intended but maybe?
Meanwhile, back to Vindicta: (TL;DR always ignores the Cancel button and requires Ability button to cancel)
  1. Stake
    • Works the same as Grey Talon's Immobilzing trap. Requires that you press the Ability button to cancel instead of the Cancel button. Bad!
    • 1726836499473.png
    • Attempting to use the cancel button does nothing.
  2. Flight
    • Unlike Grey Talon's Rain of Arrows, the UI prompt tells you to press the Ability button again to cancel it. Bad!
    • 1726836690882.png
    • Attempting to use the Cancel button does nothing. Bad!
    • This is especially awkward since it is possible to have your flight time exceed your Flight ability's cooldown. So there will be some time where you may want to cancel it, but instead end up setting it off again and flying even higher.
  3. Crow Familiar
    • Not applicable. Cannot be cancelled.
  4. Assassinate
    • UI Prompt states to press the Ability button to cancel it. Bad!
    • 1726836886545.png
    • Attempting to use the Cancel button does nothing. Bad!
As a third example, Dynamo: (TL;DR another mixed bag)
I'll skip the screenshots this time around. Getting lazy...
  1. Kinetic Pulse
    • Not applicable. Cannot be cancelled.
  2. Quantum Entanglement
    • UI states Ability button to cancel. Bad!
    • The Cancel button does nothing. Bad!
  3. Rejuvenating Aurora
    • UI states Cancel button to cancel. This is correct.
    • The Ability button does nothing. Good.
  4. Singularity
    • UI states Cancel button to cancel. This is correct.
    • The Ability button does nothing. Good.