Certain items not inheriting component stats


New member
Return fire does not get the +3 regen and 10% ammo from its component extra regen, which I believe is unintentional because every other item inherits the stats from its component besides Pristine Emblem (the bullet shield), Arcane Surge (1.5 regen), and Glass Cannon (the +4 spirit power). I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but it seems very inconsistent with the rest of the components in the game which inherit stats.
Going to repost an analysis I posted in High Velocity > Pristine Emblem problem:

Plenty of items lose stats upon upgrade. I don't believe there's any reason to think they're bugs.
As of posting:

OriginalUpgradeLost Stats
High-Velocity MagPristine Emblem+65 Bullet Health
Slowing BulletsGlass Cannon+6 Spirit Power
Sprint BootsEnduring Speed+1 Health Regen, +4% Weapon Damage
Extra RegenReturn Fire+3 Health Regen, +10% Ammo
Kinetic DashArcane Surge+1.5 Health Regen
Spirit StrikeSpirit Snatch+80 Spirit Shield Health
Not necessarily a bug, but seems like a really clumsy/unintuitive design - it's a bummer to have to give up benefits of the original item when upgrading it
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Going to repost an analysis I posted in High Velocity > Pristine Emblem problem:

Plenty of items lose stats upon upgrade. I don't believe there's any reason to think they're bugs.
As of posting:

OriginalUpgradeLost Stats
High-Velocity MagPristine Emblem+65 Bullet Health
Slowing BulletsGlass Cannon+6 Spirit Power
Sprint BootsEnduring Speed+1 Health Regen, +4% Weapon Damage
Extra RegenReturn Fire+3 Health Regen, +10% Ammo
Kinetic DashArcane Surge+1.5 Health Regen
Spirit StrikeSpirit Snatch+80 Spirit Shield Health
A lot of these lost stats are very random though, it doesn't seem like something that would be intentionally left out. It just seems very inconsistent with the rest of the component items in the game.