Cannot exit to menu, exiting the game to fix bugs can result in getting banned


New member
So basically there's sometimes bugs like stuck sounds that require disconnecting from server in order to fix them. Right now the only option through UI(I realized I coud've tried disconnect command after the fact) is to abandon the match or exit the game fully. Exiting the game while there's update pending however makes it impossible to rejoin, because you cannot rejoin a server that started before the update("Server uses different class table error" is the error I've had).

My suggestion would be implementing system like in CS2 where you can abandon the match after getting to main menu instead of straight from the game or at least simply adding "Exit to menu" button. I know the message has been made more clear but coming from CS having a button that instantly bans you is confusing(I previously thought that the message means I'd get banned unless I come back, not that it's taking away ability to come back)