Canceling of abilities


New member
Ive not played for a decent while before the map update and hopped back on to check it out, so maybe i missed something.

However, I noticed today that the way you are able to cancel abilities has changed. Previously I had changed the settings to enable ability cancelation by pressing the same key that originally cast the ability, for an example: if I want to use Kelvin's ice beam i press F, and if I want to cancel it I press F again. This seems to be impossible now and seemingly the only way to cancel most abilities seems to be via the space bar again.

Am I missing something or did the setting actually get removed, and if so is there any chance that option will be made available again?
Thanks in advance
It seems like it was removed intentionally. I personally don't like the change and hope they revert it, but I don't think it's a bug, unfortunately.