Can i get put in the same lane as my duo?


New member
I used to get same lane with my duo, now were in separate lanes every time we queue together. Words cant express how fun it is to lane with a random, who doesn't communicate for shit and who is just figuring how to use mouse and keyboard for the first time. I think i might stop playing until this is fixed.
I'm curious, are you getting assigned onto duo with ivy or dynamo by chance? Those two are weighted more heavily to get assigned into a duo lane. You would basically all but assure you get duo together if one of you played either of these.
Just played a game with Ivy as my lane partner. I asked for a swap, but i don't think he figured out how to voice chat yet, as he finished the game 0/10. Regardless, i should not be forced to play one of those characters just so i can lane with my friend, thats hella dumb
They did say those would be weighted to be in duo but i doubt that would precede the premade idea. I have noticed that to happen a few times as well. hope it does get fixed.
Following up here as a I was about to post about it myself. Felt like a couple patches ago, me and the friend I'd queue in with were always in the same lane. Now it feels like I'm always asking someone to switch, which, depending on how responsive they are, can really change the first few minutes of the game.