Camera Jumps


New member
I don't know what the issue is caused by but doing random different actions causes my camera to constantly "look" straight upwards. It can be done from a roll, jump, but mostly (and worse of all) on ability activation. Its really frustrating to try to throw a Haze knife just for the camera to shoot straight upwards as soon as you cast, causing me to miss the knife and readjust the camera. After I notice it starting to happen, when I spawn (because I most likely died for it) if I spam all my buttons a few times each it generally fixes itself, at least to the point it wont do it every time. I'm not sure I need to send a match I.D. for this but it happens A LOT so if it's needed I can comment a few on the post.
Also as a side note after the patch that added the instant cast option when I played a game as Yamato my 2 ability wouldn't work at all. It wouldn't even let me use alt+2 to upgrade the ability. I was able to fix it by turning off character specific key binds for Yamato. I never got around to trying to fix it by redoing Yamato specific key binds again so I'm not sure if it still happens but I thought I may as well say something while I was already here lol.

Keep up the great work on this game! You guys have made quite the banger. :)