Calico stuck in leaping animation when slash is interrupted


New member
While casting Calico's ability Leaping Slash, if Calico is hit by forms of stun/silence/disable, her hero model can get stuck in the leaping animation. The main effects of being stuck in this animation are: can't shoot gun, can't use any movement features like jump/dash/slide/mantle, and has reduced movement speed.

This state isn't permanent as Calico can (eventually) escape the animation by casting other abilities or using a zipline. But since this bug triggers from enemy interrupt (i.e. during a fight) when abilities are often already on cooldown and ziplines can't be used due to taking enemy damage, it almost always results in a guaranteed death.

I'm not sure all the abilities that can trigger the interrupt, but Haze Sleep Dagger is for sure one and there are definitely more, personally I experience this bug nearly every match as Calico.

Some random and probably useless thoughts, maybe there's a way to automatically "timeout" from the leaping state/animation, to prevent it from persisting longer then reasonably possible? Or add a condition where if certain negative states are applied to Calico during the Leaping Slash to "reset" the hero model to its default "standing" state/animation? Or have abilities like Sleep Dagger trigger the "reset" at the end of their duration? In case this bug gets any attention thank you Devs! meow!

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