(Match 32089217)
Calico's melee deals damage after the blue-shield-aura parry animation has already been on for a few frames.

Not sure if this is specific to Calico or her items, or just a general latency compensation issue. If we call the frame that I press the parry button frame 0, the parry aura animation starts on frame 2, the parry cooldown indicator shows up on frame 3, and the damage and effects are applied on frame 9. Doing the math, the damage is dealt about 150ms after I first press the parry button, which should be about 3 roundtrips with my usual ping. The server should have gotten my parry input at least 2 roundtrip times before my client got the damage confirmation. If this parry timing is too late, the VFX should be updated to make it clearer when the parry actually starts blocking.

Not sure if this is specific to Calico or her items, or just a general latency compensation issue. If we call the frame that I press the parry button frame 0, the parry aura animation starts on frame 2, the parry cooldown indicator shows up on frame 3, and the damage and effects are applied on frame 9. Doing the math, the damage is dealt about 150ms after I first press the parry button, which should be about 3 roundtrips with my usual ping. The server should have gotten my parry input at least 2 roundtrip times before my client got the damage confirmation. If this parry timing is too late, the VFX should be updated to make it clearer when the parry actually starts blocking.
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