Burst Fire activates on Barrage


New member
As the title suggests, when you purchase Burst Fire and then use Pocket's spell Barrage the Burst Fire activates. It doesn't seem to make Barrage fire any quicker and just puts Burst Fire on CD for when you'd want to follow up with gun damage.
I think there's been a misunderstanding. The Burst Fire item is located in the weapons tab. Almost all items in this category upgrade weapons. The Burst Fire item is no exception, the firing speed is improved only from the Pocket's shotgun.

I recorded a short video showing the work of this item.
View attachment BurstFire.mp4
I think there's been a misunderstanding. The Burst Fire item is located in the weapons tab. Almost all items in this category upgrade weapons. The Burst Fire item is no exception, the firing speed is improved only from the Pocket's shotgun.

I recorded a short video showing the work of this item.
View attachment 5562
There is no misunderstanding. In your own video it procs on barrage when it shouldn't but you had "No Cooldown" activated so it only had the internal CD which you can see in your own video. It doesn't proc on his other spells only barrage. I recorded my own to show you.
View attachment barrage bug.mp4
Oh. Yes, I admit, after I watched the video, I immediately understood what you were talking about. 🧘‍♂️
It should not be activated in theory.