Bunch of bugs in Sandbox mode


New member
First bug with “Testing tools” menu - when mouse cursor touch “Hold alt” button you can’t shoot
View attachment Project8staging 2024.07.19 -

Rest of the bugs are based on player models behavior after use of “Reset hero” in the “Testing tools” menu. If you press “Reset hero” after or while using skills which change your model your model can stay in this changed mod.

Heroes: Abrams (4), Ivy (3), Kelvin (3), Vindicta (2), Warden (4), Yamato (4), Infernus was fixed when i record for this post (2)

Abrams: When you jump by 4 you can stay in “jumped phorm”, to comeback in normal need to use ability again, but your books continue glowing
View attachment Project8staging 2024.07.19 -

Ivy: When you jump by 3 you can stay in “stone phorm”, is you press ability again you have both models 2 in 1 - fixing only by change hero
View attachment Project8staging 2024.07.19 -

Vindicta: When you jump by 3 you can stay in “flying phorm”, to to come back to normal need to use ability again, but also if you press “Reset hero” again - it transforms you into “flying phorm”.
View attachment Project8staging 2024.07.19 -
Second Vindicta bug - if you use 2 when again when you already fly it gives you the effect of flying (smoke blood trail). For now it probably can be in match, cause if pick all items for cooldown reduction (that's actually enough) and upgrade your 2 on max - you can reuse it until first activation doesn’t end

View attachment Project8staging 2024.07.19 -
View attachment Project8staging 2024.07.19 -
Warden: When you fly a bit by 4 you can stay in “flying phorm”, also if it stay a ring above Warden if “Reset hero” while casting

View attachment warden ult bug.mp4

Kelvin: When you use 3 your beam stays there it was when you “Reset hero”, it can be not only one beam this way and also after reset you will see a beam radius. Radius don’t leave even if you switch a hero, only death can help there
View attachment Project8staging 2024.07.19 -
View attachment yamato camera bug.mp4

Yamato: When you use 4 and press “Reset hero” in time, when the camera flows backward - the camera can stick in backward position. As with “Kelvin’s beam radius” it stay when you change hero, but to bring the camera on right position you need to press ability what moves the camera, as example infernus 2

View attachment Project8staging 2024.07.19 -
Also about him…

*Infernus: WAS FIXED
When you press 2 + crouch + “Reset hero” infernus lay on the ground and slide
He can accelerate his speed in this position by spam dash and moving sideways