Bug with new Build System


New member
Hello Dev Team,

I just created my first guide with the new system. After saving and publishing my build, I wanted to change the categories names and their positioning, so I deleted all categories and recreated them as I liked. After saving the new layout, my build initially appeared fine. However, after reloading it reset to the original version before I made any changes. This happened twice, and I cannot seem to save or publish the new build as it always resets to the original.

Please look into this issue. Additionally, it was convenient to create builds in the main menu. If possible, please bring back this feature.

Thanks for the hard work guys ;)

Yours truely, Greedy
I was making builds for heroes, and when I swapped between different ones, the previously completed build for, say, Hero A, would appear in Hero B's builder. Also, when I chose to create a new build for Hero B and finished building, then returned to the previous Hero A, the build for Hero A would disappear even though I had already published it. The same for all builds I made.

TLDR: Swapping heroes deletes your build.