Bug Report


New member
Bug Report
Saving all bugs being found in this thread instead of creating new threads over and over.

previous bugs reported:
  1. GameID: 26470234
    My game crashed twice for no reason, probably some ram lag issue. as it was a lot of moviment at the screen. but i've seen worse before and didn't crash. Also after first crash, playing as mirage, my shots dissapeared and couldn't hear the shoots fired or zoom while aiming. Only after some melees it changed it back to normal
  2. GameID: 26477255
    This time my game crashed due the file streets_(Something) was missing although i've updated and didn't change the files, it was in the middle of the game. Plus i'm getting timeouts due crashing that are out of my reach to happen. (Also aware that if Developers add this option of not giving timeouts for crashing due file error people may exploit it to run from games) But it's really annoying.
The screenshot attached was a crash which happened at menu screen.

A few games earlier today my character was moving to the sides with some sort of spikes but with low ping
Mirage Gameplay:

After bullet reduction sometimes in the middle of a TFT it seems the bullet won't hit even if the aim is right over the enemy

Game Update 20:57 gmt(-3)

Game crashed at startup

This crate is inside a wall. The often crashes due corrupted files stopped after reinstalling the game

Bug Reports 23/11/2024

Staggering gameplay with 50ms and 60fps fixed after switching from direct x11 to vulkan

Weakened Patron Lifebar sometimes bugs not showing it's recovery after dying

Mirage usage bar on skill rating not showing the amount used ( no colour showing as bar)

Right button to sell items not autoselling when arriving the store or base
Got disconnected during the start of game and was stuck at pregame area when i reconnected. I jumped off that building and was stuck inside teleporter until the teleporters opened at 10min

match id 10873847
} user msvicky532
Same issue after disconnecting but instead requested an enemy to kill me, unstuck button on escape menu not working


  • Screenshot 2024-11-07 224447.png
    Screenshot 2024-11-07 224447.png
    4.1 KB · Views: 2
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