Bug: Quickbuy fast purchase


If you use your quickbuy bind too fast the game will clear the quickbuy list, even though only one item is bought.

I rebound my mousewheel scroll up to quickbuy, as I use it on Dota 2 for the same thing. Mousewheel isn't used for anything in Deadlock, so I figured I'd use it for this.

To my surprise I go near the store, and scroll up fast to buy 2x 500 soul items, with the 1000 souls I have, and it clears all 5 items I had queued, saying I've acquired them all, when in fact I've only gotten one item. Effectively making quickbuy useless for me.
I will just publish this here. I'm using autobuy, so there are no buttons. Half of the time it won't buy my items, and clear the queue, or fully or like half of it. I tried to reproduce it, and here are some examples, but it usually does not work even if I walk right to the shop itself. The higher the ping, the more likely it will skip the items.
