Bug: No projectile, abilities greyed out, game wouldn't focus (Video)


So I started a game in ranked and tabbed out to put on some music. When I tabbed back into the game it would defocus itself as soon as I hit Mouse 1 to fire. I tried tapping back into the game and it would instantly tab out. I couldn't even pause it. I couldn't click "exit" to restart the game and I ended up just rebooting my PC real fast.

View attachment Deadlock - 2024-11-09 15-50-42.mp4

When I got back into the game I had numerous bugs. I had no projectile on my gun. No sound when shooting. No ammo counter. My abilities were greyed out, despite learned. I have no idea why. There was this weird hazy "laggy" movement when I moved, like I had a high ping or something. It shows up in the video as a hazy blurry effect. Almost looks like bad AI frame generation. But you can see me hit last hits fine, so it wasn't my internet slowing down or high ping.

We couldn't pause the game anymore because the enemy team apparently kept unpausing as I was rebooting. I did die and restart the game real fast only to see the bug persist.

Suddenly at around the 20 minute mark the game fixed itself, like I had been resynced with a server or something. Suddenly sounds came back and projectiles too. It was really bizarre. Luckily we didn't lose this game as a result but I kept telling my team my game is totally bugged.

View attachment Deadlock - 2024-11-09 15-59-21.mp4
If the video playback works (recorded using Steams own recorder) you can see that at the beginning it's still bugged but suddenly just starts working. I've been having some hardware issues so I thought it was just me, but someone in my game also said it has happened to them too before.
Also videos don't seem to be forum friendly but if you download them they should play on any video player just fine.