Bug interaction between Geist and Calico ultimates


I'm Geist in this clip, Calico got me down to low HP so I ulted her, she seems to ult a split second later but my ult still goes off and I'm full HP. This means Calico should come out of her ult low HP, but she doesn't; she is also full HP. Alternatively, my ult should just not have gone off, or I should not have gained full HP when she didn't lose any, that doesn't make sense since my ult is technically supposed to swap health, not just gain health from nothing. So my ult worked since I healed up, but it also didn't work since Calico didn't lose her HP.


I'm Geist in this clip, Calico got me down to low HP so I ulted her, she seems to ult a split second later but my ult still goes off and I'm full HP. This means Calico should come out of her ult low HP, but she doesn't; she is also full HP. Alternatively, my ult should just not have gone off, or I should not have gained full HP when she didn't lose any, that doesn't make sense since my ult is technically supposed to swap health, not just gain health from nothing. So my ult worked since I healed up, but it also didn't work since Calico didn't lose her HP.
It's more like a feature than a bug