Broodmother-like hero


Skill 1 - Latch onto wall for maximum of six second. Upon clicking the ability again, the hero can launch itself to an area dealing small damage and slow applying resist debuff.

Skill 2- The hero shoots a projectile encasing in venom to a target, upon death of a unit spawns 3 smaller version of creeps. Cooldown 40 sec. But can be reduced with more levels. (for balance purpose

Skill 3 - The hero shoots a webtrap from 1 wall to another wall, similar to broodmother's old aghas. upon activated, it slows and leash the heroes affected.

Ultimate - Spider form - The hero transform into a full spider, the hero can now can use skill first skill multiple times during the form duration. Imagine like spiderman latching wall to wall. The hero also now has 3 charges of 2nd skill. And can deal a finishing leap slam that ultimately leashes and slows enemies impacted.
About skill 1, you cant wall walk while being latched (visualize a hero latching to a ledge and shooting creeps) , youre just latching onto a vertical wall for a small duration. II feel that another alternative of unique movement besides flying and icewalking (kelvin) would be a cool concept.
You've named your concept "broodmother" but there's no broodmother in your concept, it's just a spider.
Anyways, i'm all for spiders, and i like the idea of a broodmother, so why not make the wall-walking a passive and have the 1 spawn a hatchling? else her laning will be terrible.
