Brass Knuckles - Item that adds a guaranteed interrupt for successful heavy melee attacks.


Cost: 6300
Total Cost: 7550

Upgrades from Melee Charge and Inherits Melee Charge Passive

  • 18% weapon damage
  • 150 Bonus Health
  • 1.5 Health regen
Active: For the next 5 seconds the owner receives a buff giving their first Heavy Melee attack an interrupt (0.1 second stun). Missing the melee attack will waste the buff. 20 Second cooldown.

Items seems strong and will probably destroy certain characters but that's what the price tag is for. As for the particulars, missing the heavy melee attack will waste the charge. For the interrupt itself, I initially thought a silence would be enough but given silences don't actually stop channeled abilities, a stun is what we get. I don't know much about the stuns in this game but the devs can replace it with a forced stop command instead, like they did with Treant Protector from DOTA 2.

Edit: Just to clarify this is a Tier IV melee item.