Binding "ai_setenabled 0" to a key, with another command causes Deadlock to crash


New member
Bug: Binding the command "ai_setenabled 0" to a key, specifically along with any other command in the config causes Deadlock to crash upon startup.

To recreate: autoexec config has example 1: [bind "j" ai_setenabled 0;sv_cheats 1] or example 2: [bind "9" citadel_hero_testing_enabled true;ai_setenabled 0]

Other notes:
-The command ai_setenabled 0 can be executed in console and it will not crash Deadlock

-The command ai_setenabled 0 can be bound to a key in config alone, with no other command in the same string and it will not crash Deadlock [bind "j" ai_setenabled 0]

-The command ai_setenabled 0 can be bound to a key in the config, along with another command bound to the same key, in a separate string. example below
[bind "j" ai_setenabled 0
bind "j" sv_cheats 1]