Bebop Ult Sound Bug


New member
I died right as I was about to use bebop ult (ability did not go on cooldown). When I respawned the sound for my ult was playing and would not stop. I think it eventually stopped when I used ult again.

Match 32370, 24:37 (clip below) ((please do not look at scoreboard it's embarrassing))

View attachment Bebop ult sound bug_1080p.mp4

The sound continued a lot longer, but there wasn't much else to see so I cut the clip. I'm not positive but I don't think it stopped until I used ult again.

I'll also mention that earlier in the game when I was mashing my keyboard trying not to die I muted the game by accident, but unmuted by going into settings and turning the volume back up, that's why it says the game is muted in the top left and it's clearly not actually muted. So I don't think it's related to the sound bug.
Had the same thing, got it by watching myself die to the ult and then cancelling out of the death replay.

Enemy Bebop kept making the noise for the entire game, even his corpse made the noise.