Bebop soul confirming/denying BUG?


It seems Bebop can not consistently confirm/deny souls before enemy anymore. Even prefiring doesn't seem to help, actually it feels like prefiring makes it even more inconsistent. This doesn't seem intended and I am certain bebop was not like this before. Something's changed. Bebop used to easily confirm all the souls. Now it is the opposite and even Abrams outsoul Bebop players now.
Did anyone else notice any differences when it comes to shooting souls as Bebop?
There’s a 100ms window where it goes to the closer player now
Where did you see this? Denying has always seemed like a crapshoot to me (like I'm firing a constant stream of bullets as Bebop/Haze where a diaper is about to pop up and the enemy Kelvin manages to nab it anyway), and I've been wondering how the server determines who gets it.
Where did you see this? Denying has always seemed like a crapshoot to me (like I'm firing a constant stream of bullets as Bebop/Haze where a diaper is about to pop up and the enemy Kelvin manages to nab it anyway), and I've been wondering how the server determines who gets it.
There’s a cvar that controls that window. Seems like there was also a bug with bebop hitreg tho

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