Bebop bomb beeping starts when ability doesn't connect


New member
I don't have any match ID, but I do have over 100 games of Bebop in the past month or so. This issue happens so commonly it happens probably once every bebop game I play. I usually don't buy mystic reach until past 10 min, and the item seems to help prevent the issue from happening at least. It's not exclusive to the early game without range increases though and I experienced it in a busy lategame fight where not landing the bomb on the low HP Abrams and continuing to move away from him until the second "beep" indicator stops. This pattern of stopping on the second beep is too long to know what is going on in terms of feedback and really deceptive to the Bebop player.

I'd also like to raise a separate complaint about how often the uppercut isn't connecting on close targets. The uppercut can also miss when you hook and bomb a wraith if she is already facing where she wants to teleport to and spams it, which doesn't feel intentional or fair. The range is already so bad I need to be physically touching their character and it's the first ability in his kit. If the enemy walks faster than you it misses, if you are slowed at all it misses, if the enemy moves an inch to the left it misses.

Maybe the timings are really tight and I'm just missing them, but I have 16k hours in dota 2 and it doesn't feel like I'm missing my inputs. It feels like they are inconsistent. Uppercutting then using bomb can sometimes even lead to bomb not connecting and you have to go chase the target you just sent away. Is anyone else feeling this way about the consistency of casting bomb or uppercut on bebop?