Auto-sell Bug


Active member
I'm sure others have reported this, but I thought I'd share what I've found with the Auto-sell issue

Basically, there are multiple bugs with the auto-sell feature currently. This is what I've found.

  • When you set an item to auto-sell to free up space for a new item, the item will not sell. This happens when the item being sold is a different category than the one being bought. This seems to be an issue with Flex slots.
  • Auto-buy will open directly into the sell page, but will not respond or complete purchases nor sales. This happens when an auto-sell no longer needs to happen to free up a slot and becomes "abandoned" in your queue, but you have queued more items to be purchased. Basically, you gained a new flex slot and bought something into that flex slot, but then queued another purchase later and stopped at a shop.
That's what I've seen so far. I'm reasonably certain on how to reproduce these bugs and hope that my insight will help get it fixed.
Yes, it's very frustrating and annoying. For some reason I keep thinking "it will work this time" but then it doesn't.