Arturo 'Canvas' Velázquez - Paint a new reality in Scarlet, Veridian, and Azul

Arturo Velázquez, once a celebrated artist, became consumed by a relentless obsession to capture the purest form of reality in his work. Dissatisfied with the mundanity of oil and tempera, Arturo turned his obsession to capturing the essence of the Maelstrom on a canvas - where the power of the Patron could remake reality, much as Arturo could alter a tableau with a stroke of the brush.

Arturo Velázquez is a Spanish artist in his late 30s, starting to show his age with grey at his temples. He carries an easel in his left hand, and a Mauser-esque machine pistol in his right. He wears paint spattered overalls. When he uses his abilities, a spectral paintbrush or chisel appears and mirrors his hand movements.

Design Goal
Canvas is a medium range hero that excels at manipulating the battlefield. The kit tends naturally towards being an aggressive support that helps initiate fights. Can be played aggressively, and utilises unique mechanics that reward careful and mindful play.

1: Etch

Canvas shears away the layers of magic protecting a target enemy. Their Spirit Armour and any health regeneration is temporarily suppressed.
Mechanics: Medium range target skill. Lasts for 5 seconds.
Visual: Canvas makes a slicing action, mirrored by a spectral chisel, and a ghostly cut appears which 'bleeds' paint-like colours on the target.
Explanation: Useful ganking skill, of a kind not yet represented in Deadlock.

2: Raging Bull
Canvas paints a raging bull that charges forward and tries to trample enemies. The bull builds speed as it charges in a straight line, dealing more damage based on its speed.
Mechanics: Medium duration cooldown, bull does low base damage but scales quite a lot with movement speed. The bull tries to lock on enemies with very limited steering, and runs through them. It disappears when touching a wall. It doesn't stun or knock enemies, its just purely damage.
Visual: Canvas makes three brushstrokes, and a painterly bull appears that charges. It gains escalating speed particles to indicate when it will hurt a lot.
Explanation: A variation on a standard line AoE skill, which has some synergy with his ultimate.

3: Scarlet Slash/Veridian Veil
Canvas sweeps his brush horizontally at a target point, alternating colours with each cast. Red Paint damages enemies, while Green Paint heals allies.
Mechanics: Charge based, with a horizontal sweep AoE that can be aimed. Every cast alternates the skill.
Visual: Canvas strokes with flair to the left for a spectral green healing brush, and strokes with force to the right for red damage brush. The spectral brush and the actual sweep AoE matches the direction. Canvas' paint easel is coloured red/green and his hand drips subtle red or green particles to help visually indicate which effect it is currently on.
Explanation: His main 'spammable' spirit scaling skill with a flipping component to add some variety to an otherwise very simple mechanic.

4: City in Azul
Canvas alters the battlefield with Azul, creating a wide line of azure paint anywhere on the map. Deals light damage to enemies hit by the paint. While on this path, allies move faster and jump higher, and enemies suffer the inverse. This paint persists until recast in a different location.
Mechanics: Long cooldown. Basically blue paint from Portal 2. Casting it opens up an enlarged minimap and the player draws a vector line by placing two points anywhere on the map (with a max distance clamp) After a few seconds, the blue appears on all valid terrain surfaces at those coordinates - so it will apply underground too.
Visual: When the menu opens, a glob of paint rises from his easel. When confirming, Canvas slashes the paint, and a few seconds alter a giant brush sweeps above the gameworld (So it doesnt obscure vision) and leaves behind blue paint on the terrain.
Explanation: A useful team mobility skill, and the global range gives it strong ganking/counter gank potential. The persistent duration makes it a versatile area denial skill. The synergy with Raging Bull is that it will benefit from the movement speed bonus and reach max damage in a shorter duration.

Gameplay Goal
Canvas will be a middle range battlefield controller that wants to stay out of the thick of combat and cast abilities from a distance. He has very powerful abilities here, but the lack of natural mobility or escape skills will make him vulnerable to being caught out of position or killed by backline assassins. His gun is an automatic machine pistol with a fast fire rate but low clip size. He will mainly be an aggressive 'support', but doesn't strictly need an ally for any of his skills to function.
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I like the design overall. I'm not convinced that Etch is actually a useful banking skill. I think the two effects are quite niche, and poorly suited for the early game. I would rather see these effects on the ultimate, because of its capacity to apply the debuffs more widely, because you can couch those effects in its other effects, and because spirit armor and health regeneration, are more likely to have a meaningful impact on the game.

Raging Bull is my favorite skill thematically and mechanically. I don't think that it needs to home in on targets. I think it works really well as a ramping speed/damage oversized ground-born missile.

His alternating sweeping cleave ability is interesting. I think for it to be effective, the heal certainly has to affect him, himself. Then solo laning doesn't feel inherently punishing. The alternating nature/colors plays well into the theme of him as a painter. Based on what I imagine is the close-range nature of this ability, I see this character building out to be more of a close-range caster, which I think is interesting.

I like the mechanical concept of this ultimate, and I think thematically, seeing him conjure an wisely while targeting a global spell is compelling. I like the idea that allies jump higher and move faster. That's okay I think. I don't know if it's necessary. What's most important about this ability is that it slows enemies, I think, and I think that inhibiting stamina would work really well on this skill, and if you wanted to give the impression of there being a strong feel of gravity, it can reduce enemy jump height.
Actually, what I'm seeing is a conflict in what this spell actually looks like. Does it look like a bane or a boon? Whenever there's a design that helps allies and hinders enemies, I have to question if it's necessary, because I think it is suggested too often, and my tendency is to lean away from making everything dual purpose. I think what I want to see here is that you have to choose which effect you want.

Nice suggestion. Obviously Picasso inspired.
Thanks! Those are really great points, and your thought process on it is interesting.

For Etch, I wanted to have a simple skill since the rest of his abilities are quite elaborate, but I agree with your suggestion that it would be better on the ultimate. It's tempting to just swap it around with the ally buff in his ultimate, but I specifically don't want to give Canvas any easy to use mobility skills - do you have any thoughts on a passive or simple skill that might work in it's place?

I was intending Slash/Veil to be a medium range ground targeted AoE that you can aim rather than a cone slash infront of him, but that could honestly work too!
Thanks! Those are really great points, and your thought process on it is interesting.

For Etch, I wanted to have a simple skill since the rest of his abilities are quite elaborate, but I agree with your suggestion that it would be better on the ultimate. It's tempting to just swap it around with the ally buff in his ultimate, but I specifically don't want to give Canvas any easy to use mobility skills - do you have any thoughts on a passive or simple skill that might work in it's place?

I was intending Slash/Veil to be a medium range ground targeted AoE that you can aim rather than a cone slash infront of him, but that could honestly work too!

I think a single target skill designed for catching enemies is a good idea. It dawned on me that while I was thinking Spirit Shield from Spirit Armor, you might have meant Spirit Resist. Giving negative resistances for a ganking skill is a good idea, actually. I think it would be nice coupled with a slow. 🤔 Another idea, thematically, is if Arturo 'painted' an enemy hero, creating an effigy of them. Effigy skills are where a clone of an enemy is lifelinked with them. I'm not sure how well that goes with the rest of the kit, though. Depending on how far you're able to stretch the theme, which I think could be limiting factor here, I wouldn't mind seeing a 'drag the target back' skill, like a hook but with a limited pull range. Most of all, I think that a single-target ability contrasts well with the rest of the kit.