Armor item, protects against long range bullet damage


New member
An item that specifically reduces bullet damage that is incoming from long range.
Building Gun damage and spacing to fight at your maximum effective range is currently a dominant strategy, with very few counters since all disarms and similar have low range.

An armor item with a small amount of bullet resist, but most of the value in a situational bullet resist vs bullets incoming from further than 18m, would help keep balance healthy.

Name is not important, could be called Flak jacket or similar. 3000 souls, Vitality tree.
Great idea. I think it needs to be both a T1 and T2 item for this, since this strat you mentioned on lane is just down right unbeatable on heroes like Talon and Vindicta
This is a cool idea. I like the idea of an item that further reduces the damage of enemy gun damage based off falloff distance.
I think that vanguard from Dota is a good starting point, instead of damage it would ignore portion of damage starting at certain distance.
I agree, something simple as reducing damage by x from each hit has huge impact on chip damage that long range is, but not very effective against bursts of damage. Its concept is simple to understand, but takes some knowledge to put to use.