Aria - The Opera Diva who bought her voice from a demon


Active member
Aria has a well-rounded battle-mage playstyle and a devastating ultimate.

She's currently on the run after a cadenza in her last performance accidentally caused a wave of head-explosions...
She comes from a family of folk-magic praciticing Italian immigrants.

Weapon: Throwing knives.

1 - Incantation - Aria draws a pentagram on the ground with 5 candles on each point, when all candles are lit, the area deals damage.
When maxed out, this ability gains lifesteal.

2 - Charm - Aria throws a charm that stuns the first enemy hit.
When maxxed out, they slowly walk towards her.

3 - Evil Eye -Aria targets an enemy to temporarily shred their protections.

4 - Lacrimossa - Aria is rooted, gains resistences, and sings, slowing enemies and shredding their protections in a large aoe. At the end of the duration, any enemies caught in the AOE take massive burst damage.
Imo if you make all of the abilities around one theme, from a design perspective it becomes more of a caricature, or a joke character. A singer is an interesting backstory, but having a bunch of abilities that are all just singing seems cartoonish & silly to me.

Aria isn't just an Opera singer, she is a practicer of Stragheria, and traditional Italian folk magic. That's how she got her voice. But she's more than just a voice.

And frankly, just taking a generic flapper woman and giving her a pistol isn't very interesting to me.
Imo if you make all of the abilities around one theme, from a design perspective it becomes more of a caricature, or a joke character. A singer is an interesting backstory, but having a bunch of abilities that are all just singing seems cartoonish & silly to me.

Aria isn't just an Opera singer, she is a practicer of Stragheria, and traditional Italian folk magic. That's how she got her voice. But she's more than just a voice.

And frankly, just taking a generic flapper woman and giving her a pistol isn't very interesting to me.
okay, good point
Good backstory, nephew. I love the story about her blowing up an audience while reading the crescendo of her cadenza. I need to be sold better on why she throws knives, though. Knife throwing makes me think travelling carnie or a street thief. That's where I see room for improvement on the design. What might be some possible weapons? Perhaps she blows kisses, which she wafts along on the air with a fan.

There are elements of her kit that I like. The image of the pentagram has a lot of potential in terms of design space, and the idea of the pentagram being lit up as a sort of charge-up ability is enticing, but I don't know if a simple burst AoE maximizes this potential. I think that an Ahri's Charm/Kiss combo into a delayed AoE is a pretty decent combo, although I'd like to see more independence overall in the kit, rather than looking at this one combo--Pentagram into Evil Eye, Charm, Ult.

Evil Eye is a strong ability, I think. Simple, thematically strong. I think there's redundancy, though, between it and Charm. Both are abilities that you clearly want to have one the same target. They could theoretically be the same ability, albeit without as strong of an effect on one side or the other.

Ultimate is okay. I'd like to see something more dynamic. This one is challenging, I think, to tie the theme of the character to the kit. My first instinct is to want to see this character simply be more like Queen of Pain. She's mastered her power, I don't know if we need to see her perform a cadenza every time she wants to use her powers. Mechanically, I think the ultimate could be more interesting, or that it could rather conform better with the rest of her kit.
Good backstory, nephew. I love the story about her blowing up an audience while reading the crescendo of her cadenza. I need to be sold better on why she throws knives, though. Knife throwing makes me think travelling carnie or a street thief. That's where I see room for improvement on the design. What might be some possible weapons? Perhaps she blows kisses, which she wafts along on the air with a fan.

There are elements of her kit that I like. The image of the pentagram has a lot of potential in terms of design space, and the idea of the pentagram being lit up as a sort of charge-up ability is enticing, but I don't know if a simple burst AoE maximizes this potential. I think that an Ahri's Charm/Kiss combo into a delayed AoE is a pretty decent combo, although I'd like to see more independence overall in the kit, rather than looking at this one combo--Pentagram into Evil Eye, Charm, Ult.

Evil Eye is a strong ability, I think. Simple, thematically strong. I think there's redundancy, though, between it and Charm. Both are abilities that you clearly want to have one the same target. They could theoretically be the same ability, albeit without as strong of an effect on one side or the other.

Ultimate is okay. I'd like to see something more dynamic. This one is challenging, I think, to tie the theme of the character to the kit. My first instinct is to want to see this character simply be more like Queen of Pain. She's mastered her power, I don't know if we need to see her perform a cadenza every time she wants to use her powers. Mechanically, I think the ultimate could be more interesting, or that it could rather conform better with the rest of her kit.
Great feedback.

There was admittedly no story behind her weapon, it's purely aesthetic, something discreet that could be concealed in an outfit. I've read that there's a ceremonial knife in Stragheria, but ii thought it might be kinda weird if she threw them. I'm very down for unconventional weapons in the realm of what you're thinking, but Ive seen negative feedback on the forum about on that.

You're totally right about the charm potentially shredding protections, making the evil eye redundant. but I'm wary of putting too many things in one ability, again because of negative feedback. I really like the idea of the evil eye, it's such a iconic symbol and some sort of curse / debuff fits. I'd like it to apply a bunch of debuff like Wardens alchemical flask

In terms of synergy maybe charming someone with the evil eye stuns them?

I totally understand about the ult not being mechanically interesting. And yet, don't you think it's inevitable that this game gets a big bomb? In terms of aesthetics, a woman making heads explode with demonic opera is decent, but maybe singing with every ult is kinda lame...

Mechanically I do like queen of pains sonic wave, but I don't know how you would convey a cone of sound waves in a third person shooter that doesn't look kinda goofy, imo
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