Arcane Surge Magazine UI Acts Strange with Magazine Size Increases


New member
Usually when I use arcane surge both the current ammo count and magazine size text increase by 5, and then both reset to normal values once I reload. If I get an item that increases my magazine size and repeat that process, the ammo count still goes up by 5 but the magazine size ui shows that my magazine size has increased by 11 (from 25 to 36), and both values reset normally. If I activate Arcane Surge again, but don't shoot and just wait for the buff to expire, I can keep the bonus ammo and then add another 5 by reactivating the item. This still shows a magazine size of 36, now with 35 shots available ( up 10 from 25). However, activating Arcane Surge a third time only nets me one more bonus ammo, instead of the 5, which brings both values to 36.

I'm not sure if this is working as intended or not, as I wouldn't expect to be able to just infinitely stack ammo between teamfights, but the ui seems confusing to me. Also, the video doesn't have audio, it's not your volume.
View attachment arcaneUI.mp4

tldr: Arcane Surge's bonus ammo has a limit which isn't mentioned, and the ui on the hud doesn't match what's happening.