Anti-Tank Items


New member
It seems I run into 1 of 2 problems in my games. Either, The High DPS/Burst Hero on the Enemy Team Gets Giga Fed by my "Team" and Proceeds to spend the rest of the game one-shotting me and my team. (Can't do much about Team Skill-Gap I guess)

Or The Enemy Tank gets Fed to a point they become unkillable, but can still kill you 3 times quicker, if you have noone on your team playing a Hero with in built Anti-Tank abilities.

So My Suggestion is to make either a Decent Anti-Tank Item for both Weapon and Skill Damage that can Deal %Max HP. Make it have a Cooldown between activations of like 6-10secs and Deal damage equal to 2-5% MaxHP. The Item shouldn't be cheap. It'd be either a Mid-Late Game buy. But it could also be made part of a Item Chain that would make sense. Like Upgrading Toxic Bullets to do %MaxHP instead of %Current HP.

Otherwise what do ya'll think about the current Anti-Tank Options we have and could they be improved?
Also I replied to similar post months ago:
All anti selfhealing tank items in the game:
Bullet-resist shredder (-12% bullet resist) 1250
Decay (2.8% current health each second for 10 seconds, -70% healing reduction) 1250
Improved burst (10% max health damage) 3500
Hunter's aura (-30% bullet resist in melee range) 3000
Toxic bullets (6%/sec current health, -55% healing reduction) 3000
Crippling headshot(24% bullet resist reduction, 24% spirit resist reduction) 6300
Healbane(-40% healing reduction) 1250
Also I replied to similar post months ago:
All anti selfhealing tank items in the game:
Bullet-resist shredder (-12% bullet resist) 1250
Decay (2.8% current health each second for 10 seconds, -70% healing reduction) 1250
Improved burst (10% max health damage) 3500
Hunter's aura (-30% bullet resist in melee range) 3000
Toxic bullets (6%/sec current health, -55% healing reduction) 3000
Crippling headshot(24% bullet resist reduction, 24% spirit resist reduction) 6300
Healbane(-40% healing reduction) 1250

You'll Note I said "Decent Anti-Tank Item for both Weapon and Skill Damage that can Deal %Max HP." Not everyone can build Improved Burst to get the Max HP damage, though it is a perfect example for what we need in a Weapon Damage Item, albiet with either a longer CD or lower % of damage dealt. Current health has the problem of become less effective the lower the Target's HP, meaning it has a Diminishing return to its cost/value.
There are also Hero's that perfer to be on lower health as bait, Such as Lady Geist. Though she isnt a "Tank" in the true sense. She is just got alot of healing.
You'll Note I said "Decent Anti-Tank Item for both Weapon and Skill Damage that can Deal %Max HP." Not everyone can build Improved Burst to get the Max HP damage, though it is a perfect example for what we need in a Weapon Damage Item, albiet with either a longer CD or lower % of damage dealt. Current health has the problem of become less effective the lower the Target's HP, meaning it has a Diminishing return to its cost/value.
There are also Hero's that perfer to be on lower health as bait, Such as Lady Geist. Though she isnt a "Tank" in the true sense. She is just got alot of healing.
so you want this game to be "Use decay apply toxic bullets wait 10 seconds and execute any hero with a new weapon item that deals max hp damage". In my opinion these items are decent enough already.
so you want this game to be "Use decay apply toxic bullets wait 10 seconds and execute any hero with a new weapon item that deals max hp damage". In my opinion these items are decent enough already.
I also stated the item would be Mid to late game, and could be an upgrade for an already existing Item like Toxic Bullets. It wouldn't have to be a whole item item that you could stack on others. You could also make it mutually exclusive. So it can't be bought if you have Decay or Toxic Bullets for example.
You seem to be thinking that I just want new items added for the sake of adding here. Its going to be abused the second it was added. And so would most new items until a another patch fixes them. But if its done right and isnt made easily accessible til late game. It would be fine.