Another Cheating Haze, MatchId: 28375407

just report every haze on sight xD

in all seriousness its very easy to spot cheaters, they usually:
1) max offence items
2) full aggro play
3) often ignores creeps
4) instant soul orb hits, to the point you dont see them appearing

when observing such, just throw a report and let valve sort it out, im tired boss.
The amount of people cheating in CS2 and also cheating in deadlock is hilarious.
I've started checking people's accounts lately and I think I've seen maybe 2 or 3 out of 30+ games that looked like normal genuine accounts.

The vast majority are 10+ years old accounts with no activity and only deadlock (sometimes also CS2) as their played game(s)...

Just another Valve title
valve doesn't seem to care about cheaters in deadlock rn.
there is known cheaters in SA servers that have been playing in the same account for months without getting banned.
oh they do care, its just that they go smart about it, you want to investigate, monitor and gather data from cheaters, banning them solves nothing, 10min later they are there on different account.