An answer at least?


New member
I have been banned for awhile, and yet to get a response to even why i was banned. even if i don't get unbanned could i at least get a reason, cause I'm starting to think i was banned wrongfully, and yes i tried asking a mod on why i was banned to just be removed from the discord before i got an answer
I've posted a concern and ban as well... they don't answer anyone, ever.

Especially when from what I see, most people are being respectful in simply asking questions.

Its a shame...
If you have been banned there are several confirmed reasons - if you find yourself in one of these groups you will know why you have been banned:
  • you were invited by a cheater - if the cheater is banned everyone they invited will also be banned
  • you abused the pause functionality - for some time it was possible to pause the game indefinitely, some people thought this was funny, it was not - pause abusers were banned
  • you are toxic in team chat, voice chat or all chat - when people report you for being toxic you will get banned eventually, it might not be the last game you played (hence why everyone thinks they did "nothing" wrong)
  • you left the game too often - people reported you for leaving the game