Aishve, a innocent monster-Spider girl. (Reference pictures included update) UwU

Aishve the Lost and the Last Arachnes.

ArtStation Arachne And The Spirits Of The Forest, 51% OFF

Basic Passive movement: Can Climb and Camp to walls. She can simply walk thru vertical obstacles.
Weapon Type: Crossbows with white tracer web. Slow fire-rate like a revolver.

1st skill : Sticky Tag. "you won't get away."
Single Target Slow Projectile that will slow the enemy, Your 3rd skill passive become enhanced to have 0 cooldown.
Initial skill hit gives you 10 Stacks of Spews.
Every attack gives the enemy a stack, Once that Spews stack reach maximum they will be immobilized for 2 seconds


2nd skill Movement : Aerial Transverse. "! where are you?"
Swings Around the map like Lash Grapple but in air and reverse radius-ish. Duration type.
(Basically like the new Spiderman game swinging around fast.)


3rd skill Utility: Primal Evolution Aka Puberty ( Passive )

This Passive skills gives her 4 Things base on the Level of the Skill.

1st Evolution: Ability to stick and walk to Vertical Walls.

2nd Evolution: Poisonous Heavy Attack

3rd Evolution: Agile Feet.

Final Evolution. Passive slow Attack debuff. Cobwebs

Each Attack, put stacks that can slows and root the enemy. It has 0.3 milliseconds of cooldown.
Spews a line of tracer web.

4th skill Ultimate: No Hesitation. (True Form) "I don't meant no harm... please leave me ALONE!!! "
Transform into Primal Mythical form and Becomes the size of the Walker (tier 2 Tower).
Pure 80% movement reduction. Turn rate reduce and Camera height increase.
Gain Large amount Bullet and Spirit Damage Shield
Gun Damage becomes a beam that shoot non stop, but over heats like a turret
Beam can now stun them stack them with Stick tag and can stun them multiple times.

Only last like 10 seconds, You get additional 5 seconds per kill.

Gameplay intent: Basically an assassin that hides thru her web and to high walls. Using her first skill "sticky tag" to assassinate the unaware. She can then use Aerial Transverse swinging around to escape or to enter the team fight. In team fight, she is vulnerable, being in air like Vindicta makes her easy target. Thus her kit will be different once she enter the fight, Using Aerial transverse, She can use her ultimate to cover her allies and assist them in Area Damage.
Additional Details:
Age: Teen
Appearance: Sapphire eyes and hair the color of twilight. Wears a flowing cerulean dress with white puffy sleeves. (Just like the first picture)
Anatomy: Arachne, has two legs and an uncanny human resemblance, still a spider body in lower area.
Story: Lost and alone after wandering too far, she seeks the Patron's help to find her mother.
( Little she knows all her kind is dead. Patron's tricking her to fight for them )
Female Patron: "Oh Aishve.. Summon me and I will reunite you with your mother."

Male Patron: "Lost child, Not only I can bring her back, We will avenge your entire kind."

Dislike: Mo and Krill. He often scolds her not to get our from the street.
Like: Lady Geist. She took her in for awhile and acted as her mother. (they will be on the same team once the game start)

Design Concepts:

Anime Arachne - v1.0 | Stable Diffusion LoRA | Civitai

Coffee shop Waitress.


note: The map design has really unique vertical walls and obstacles, If we can create a hero that could utilized that, based on her kit. She can be fun and unique to play with. In the theme of Mysticism (based on the lore of Deadlock) Spiders are really common. It would be ashamed not to have them.

note: All Pictures are only for reference, not mine.
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1. Overloaded set of capabilities:
- The character has too wide a range of capabilities - from mobility to control and damage.
- This can lead to difficulties in balancing and choosing between different uses.
- Highly limited, some aspects of his kit will be underdeveloped or underutilized.

2. Strong emphasis on single target:
- Many abilities, such as Sticky Tag and Ultimate, focus on isolating and destroying a single target.
- This may make the character specialized in assassinations rather than for general team use.
- Lack of tools for group combat and support of allies.

3. Issues with mobility and vulnerability:
- Although high mobility is independent, it can also make the character too vulnerable in team connections.
- Aerial Transverse ability may be too low for effective use and tilt.
- The risk that the character will be a "jumping target", which is easy to fix and destroy.

4. Insufficient synergy between abilities:
- It is not always clear how different abilities should be coordinated to achieve maximum effectiveness.
- Lack of obvious relationships between mechanics, which can make their complex use difficult.

5. Questions about visual design and actors:
- Despite the interesting visual image, there is a risk that it will be too “anime-stylized” and out of the general artistic direction of the game.
- A character's story based on the search for her mother may be too formulaic and not well-developed.

This character has some interesting ideas, but requires more development and balance to become a truly memorable and effective playable hero. It is necessary to more clearly define his role and specialization in the team, as well as increase the coherence and synergy of his capabilities.
1. Overloaded set of capabilities:
- The character has too wide a range of capabilities - from mobility to control and damage.
- This can lead to difficulties in balancing and choosing between different uses.
- Highly limited, some aspects of his kit will be underdeveloped or underutilized.

2. Strong emphasis on single target:
- Many abilities, such as Sticky Tag and Ultimate, focus on isolating and destroying a single target.
- This may make the character specialized in assassinations rather than for general team use.
- Lack of tools for group combat and support of allies.

3. Issues with mobility and vulnerability:
- Although high mobility is independent, it can also make the character too vulnerable in team connections.
- Aerial Transverse ability may be too low for effective use and tilt.
- The risk that the character will be a "jumping target", which is easy to fix and destroy.

4. Insufficient synergy between abilities:
- It is not always clear how different abilities should be coordinated to achieve maximum effectiveness.
- Lack of obvious relationships between mechanics, which can make their complex use difficult.

5. Questions about visual design and actors:
- Despite the interesting visual image, there is a risk that it will be too “anime-stylized” and out of the general artistic direction of the game.
- A character's story based on the search for her mother may be too formulaic and not well-developed.

This character has some interesting ideas, but requires more development and balance to become a truly memorable and effective playable hero. It is necessary to more clearly define his role and specialization in the team, as well as increase the coherence and synergy of his capabilities.
Thanks for the feedback, you have a point. v.v
I'll try to do better. Its not really my intention it to be too anime-ish too.
I'll probably remake the skills. I become too bias from my imagination.