Aim bug


New member
the most bizarre bug i have ever experienced in all my gaming history. i can move my camera just fine in wide sweeping motions, but when it comes down to fine adjustments i can only move down and right. the camera gets stuck and will not move up and left. but this only happens if i move my mouse a little, if i move my mouse a lot i can still move my camera, but as you can imagine this makes aiming literally impossible, because for every slight movement down and to the right theres nothing to counteract it and i just end up with either my camera locked in one direction or looking at the floor.
the most bizarre bug i have ever experienced in all my gaming history. i can move my camera just fine in wide sweeping motions, but when it comes down to fine adjustments i can only move down and right. the camera gets stuck and will not move up and left. but this only happens if i move my mouse a little, if i move my mouse a lot i can still move my camera, but as you can imagine this makes aiming literally impossible, because for every slight movement down and to the right theres nothing to counteract it and i just end up with either my camera locked in one direction or looking at the floor.
Just thinking about an insanely frustrating issue I had with my mouse last year (finally figured it out, but omg) and wanted to ask... does this happen in other games, too? And does it happen if you use a different mouse? Do you have peripheral software for the mouse that you can close and then test?
Might be nothing, but more info can't hurt!